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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer


  2. Somebody packed a backpack and knew how to show a lady a truly memorable evening.
  3. Mercer


    If you live in China, and clip a pedestrian, there are massive financial incentives to run them over again and finish the job. Doesn't always work out though. redditsave.com_crazy_road_rage_finale_warning_nsfl-7ctguwbmhla81.mp4
  4. Don't pretend like you're a man around here if you haven't smashed a rich girl someplace it's likely a bum jerked off to it live.
  5. Better not get to uppity in this thread, some of ya'll left receipts in Homemade Food Flex™. redditsave.com_20th_century_hotdogs-jf5ugvcu41a81.mp4
  6. Most crypto ATM's aren't actual ATM's, they require you to install an app on your phone and scan your ID to use them for anything over a very small amount. https://www.bytefederal.com/ requires KYC, AML making them a trap, especially if you buy "privacy coins".
  7. Mercer


    20th Century just hit different redditsave.com_john_wayne_swimming_lesson-5adyqt5ykia81.mp4
  8. "Science" has in a large part taken that organized oppression role over, to dismiss all opposing views to the mainstream, and those in power. Government schools, and universities now function as a church, and the "scientists" in them publishing research are priests. Exact same role as the church in relation to the king. The present mainstream scientific theory, no matter how many times it needed to be corrected in the past, is now unquestionable, and those proclaiming it's virtue are viewed as infallible. Make no mistake, science is still faith based, it's just allowed to evolve, and change more rapidly than religious institutions which require generations to update. Opinions favoring science as a new church shifted during the "Progressive Era" of the 19th century. Slavery was just the "will of god" as in god wouldn't have made the world the way it is if he didn't intend for slavery. Science slowly assumed this role, and was used to explain why things like cranial bumps, and other quantifiable traits made one race superior to the other. Each theory nearly unquestionable to it's devote's, until it isn't any more, relying more on confirmation bias than factual evidence. Anyone with half a brain, and education knows how easy it is to conduct a false statistical analysis, or conduct experiments in a way that can be intentionally, or unintentionally used to reach forgone conclusions, like for example the entire population being better off in absolute obedience to the political class. We're at a point now where it's socially acceptable to openly assert that this tool of oppression (in the form of religion) is used for manipulation. How many people are ready to acknowledge science is now used to justify some of the most horrific government oppression since it's ascension into religion's role during the 20th century.
  9. Mercer


  10. redditsave.com_flexible_is_her_name-j1opszskcca81.mp4
  11. Yea, this is what people overlook. You can see a video of a Tesla on FSD fucking up and say ha, but humans literally do worse mistakes every single day. Again, even if it's shit, it's exponentially better than any other company's system. Also, advancements in software aside, it's the legal/liability aspect that creates the true inflection point for FSD adoption. I personally don't think it's worth the $200 a month subscription price if you can't read a book while using it. There's no way Elon is getting congress behind legislating FSD manufacturer liability to even allow real FSD, even with proof FSD is safer than humans which isn't even close yet IMO.
  12. The tech jump isn't as significant, it's the naysayer sentiment that is exactly the same though. I mean I'll be that Tesla bro, but isn't it more cringe to see hardcore Tesla naysayers get so worked up over Teslas like some people.
  13. Also think FSD will never be worth shit if you have to keep your hands on the wheel, and pay attention. Even if FSD becomes safer than humans, it's still going to be a long time before it's actually allowed to drive on it's own, just out of liability. You get in an accident, it's on you. Even if your car is statistically 99% less likely to have an accident, it's kinda on the manufacturer by default. Don't see true full autonomy being a thing any time soon. Might be the most valuable car company in the world right now, but the entire government is against Tesla now, and your boy Elongated Muskrat.
  14. Yea, if I had something as torquey as a Tesla, last thing I'd want to do is miss out on driving it. Probably nice on long road trips, or heavy traffic though. With that said, kinda like it's popular to make fun of Teslas now, people used to be convinced horses were still better than automobiles back in the day. The only point they really ever made that sticks is that a horse knows the way home from the tavern, and won't kill anyone when you're drunk. Hopefully that's not the case much longer for cars.
  15. Yea, my mom's Honda has lane keep assist and displays the speed limit on her screen, but it's not actually stopping the car for a red light, adjusting the vehicles speed for the speed limit, going forward on green ect. The vehicle is at best learning how to read this info, it's not able to do anything useful with this info yet, or drive itself based on it.
  16. I'm lactose intolerant, still eat dairy and just pay for it later. I'm good with icecream, but milk, or especially some forms of mozzarella let's just say you don't want to be with me for a long ride home. Even gotten legit fever and diarrhea which I would gladly endure for some of that soy milk up there.
  17. There's no way full self driving will ever be perfect, but I think it will eventually become safer than the average retarded human drivers. Admittedly, FSD sucks balls in cities, but that doesn't change the fact it's exponentially ahead of anyone else for suburbs/highways. At best companies are offering a lane keep assist, but nothing serious yet as far as I know that passes/switches lanes automatically, adjusts for traffic lights, signs, and signals. Again, not perfect, or even as safe as your average human right now IMO, but FSD was good enough to start charging $10k more for a few years ago. Last year they started building the option into every car, and charging a $200 a month subscription knowing they'll cake harder long term. Probably pays for itself the first time you get home buzzed without swerving.
  18. Print 3 different business cards with with 3 different QR codes, each one points to a different website with different pricing. Wouldn't work for a restaurant but good for a contractor. When handing them out to future clients, just discern between the poor, med, rich, and give them the appropriate QR code. If you're ever somehow called out, the separate URL's create a layer 2 solution, with a built in plausible deniability: "I apologize for the confusion, but that's my old web site. Couldn't get the old web guy to update, or take it down. That's why he's the old web guy. I'm really sorry but I can't offer that pricing anymore. That's why I sent you to my new site." Also kinda felt this: From my own experience as a technician, the bigger the client, the more bullshit, and risk you'll need to price into a job. Kinda cute when they jerk themselves off into thinking they're a more desirable client somehow because of their name, especially after you've already dealt with them before, it sucked, and they don't ever refer any clients. Nobody gives a fuck about names, dick sizes, or who I've done work for. They only care about quality, price, and if I'm headache to deal with. Half these motherfuckers have trouble remembering my name.
  19. According to a DNA test that was published, she allegedly married her brother for immigration purposes, and even had kids with him @Dark_Knight
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