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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Did you already forget using the words racist/classist to describe my statement? My post wasn't half as insulting as your post, not even close. How do you want me to respond to a retarded statement like that, not defend and go in a Clayton Bigsby voice? You want me to dance a little jig for you too? I dropped logic, and pointed out that having lower expectations for black people is in fact racist. Thinking any social construct group, or "class" of people is inherently incapable of financial literacy, is unintentionally classist to me. Getting emotional with me, and asserting I'm some sort of racist, or classist may not be racist in and of itself, but expect me not to respond to your idiotic accusation is some super privileged ass shit if you ask me. If you don't like emotions, lay of the ad hominem and try to make your point without insulting me like that. Go ahead and explain how my original statement was racist, or classist, while pretending you yourself don't harbor much lower expectations for a particular race, or a particular class. You can't.
  2. redditsave.com_im_dead_lol-soenbdo75z781.mp4
  3. redditsave.com_woke_bully_getting_booted_from_home-xiggrcgcxx781.mp4 Proof a genders studies degree can actually pay off.
  4. Empathy is cool, helping illuminate a better path is even better. My empathy is reserved for people in places where it is legit near impossible to even dream of living a comfortable life. For me they're the ones worth sending crypto too. Not really much empathy left over for most people that had it better than me, which includes most who grew up in a poorer area of the U.S. Earning more than 32k a year puts a person in the top 1% globally, I've got family that can earn a fraction of that at best, and feel like they need, and appreciate my help more than anyone here outside of those being forcibly oppressed for victimless crimes by the "criminal justice" system.
  5. We'll never agree on this, I believe people have the ability to change course in life by simply deciding too, and feel like I'm living proof of that. Never an alcoholic, but def made some very poor decisions in life for a very long time.
  6. According to them, yes. Overall I feel like capitalism itself deserves much more credit for this than they'd ever admit. I'm actually pro Union for the most part, and feel like they're 100% necessary in any developing economy. Especially necessary for super important shit people overlook, like establishing the absolute highest safety standards for workers. Once you're on your own, relying on OSHA, or some ambulance chasing lawyer to save your ass it's too late, and you're fucked.
  7. Fuck you think I'm on here decimating the anti capitalist mentality for? I really believe, and live the shit I'm on here saying. I could be the meek vaginal type, and on here agreeing with a way more popular perspective that actually appeals to peoples emotions. The truth is a much harder path to take, but it's the right one. Nobody is holding anyone reading this back in life more than themselves.
  8. I'm not a ladder, or a stepping stone for anyone outside of those I consider family. Fact is neither are you, most anyone else on here, in America, or the world for that matter. Crabs that make it out of the bucket aren't really known for lowering the helping hand. Expecting the ones that do make it out to lift every other crab out with them means you're never going to be happy, even for the ones that do make it out. So how was the first financially literate person created if it has "everything" to do with upbringing? Kinda what happened to me, ended up with my ex, a rich Japanese girl, and started absorbing good habits, and more informed perspectives on economics long before deciding to study economics. I was that kid on the corner for years, and I know what it feels like. On my own (off and on) since 14 years old. Every eye looks upon you in disgust, fear, or straight up hate. Life itself involves trauma, and trauma leaves scars. Wether it's a criminal, an abuser, or Society itself causing trauma, no matter what they do afterward they can't erase the scar. Only the victim can decide to actually start repairing the trauma, and healing. The criminal (Society) that caused the trauma can't do that, even if they wanted to. If that worked they could just order rapists to become therapists for their victims, order a shooter to perform life saving surgery. It doesn't work like that. Again, no shit. I've sold drugs almost my entire life. Then why do middle/upper middle class kids end up broke losers as adults? Why are the people I know on here in real life making huge moves in life as we speak? Poverty may correlate to race/class, but it's not causal in nature. Within any social construct like "race" for example, there is wider variation between individuals within the social construct, than there is between the averages of one group, vs another. That's why I'm out here flexing more than just my ultraviolet resistance, athletic ability, or natural musical talents on people of Western European decent. I'm flexing on them in their own game, economic warfare. So yea, that race shit doesn't even come close to "explaining nearly all of it" from my perspective. For me, it was as simple as deciding not to be poor, no skin bleaching, or pretending I was from a better class was ever ever once necessary. I'm speaking form the perspective of someone who's been on both sides, and know that excuses, even the real good ones aren't worth believing in. Having lower expectations for certain social constructs is low key, but IMO todays most harmful form of racism/classism.
  9. What part of "save, and invest" isn't super duty simple, or hard to understand? Granted, self responsibility, determination, and keeping it 100% with yourself at all times isn't easy, but that shit is only difficult emotionally. The saving and investing part is, in fact, an extremely simple concept anyone with a basic understanding of English can easily wrap their minds around. It's the same concept as ingesting fewer calories than you're burning to lose weight. Fat people might not get it, not because they're bad at math, but because they're in denial. Somehow other people lose weight every day and they can't explain it. I'd love to see anyone explaining why saving, and investing is complicated. That almost olympic level of mental gymnastics is always amusing, but not a single anti-capitalist to date has been able to pull the right combination of moves together to erase what the rest of us consider basic reality, although many have, and still try to. Honestly, If anti-individualists, anti-capitalists put that much effort into actually improving their own financial situations, we'd all own vacation homes in the Asteroids by now.
  10. People think it's hard to quit smoking, until they do it. Then they realize it takes much more effort to continue buying, and smoking cigarettes than it does to actually quit. Is it "hard" to quit smoking? No. It's just statistically unlikely because you're only human. People also think they have to live check to check, or spend every penny they make before the next check comes in. Some are able to overcome this default mindset, and ascend upward economically. After they do, they realize they didn't succeed because of genetics, or luck. They succeeded by accepting one of life's harsh realities, and being real about it. The only effort it takes to become financially independent, is not buying lame shit that you don't need anyway. Minimal effort. With just few keystrokes, and mouse clicks, one can also now invest those savings. I've actually given it a try myself, and it was literally that fucking simple. I can't deny that from the outside, especially to someone who's never done it themselves it appears to be difficult, but it's not. Financial responsibility doesn't correlate with class, or race. I know people that grew up in stable, financially sound homes, that make huge salaries and still live check to check well into their 40's. I also know people that grew up in public housing, that are extremely successful, and financially literate enough to save, and invest. Guess which type won't be greeting people entering Home Depot when they're too old to contribute anything else instead of enjoying their retirement. Only the realest human beings have the ability to step outside of their emotional safe zones, truly take a look at themselves, and consider these uncomfortable truths. It is in fact a very painful realization that if we can't learn how to make money while we sleep, we will work until we die. Wage slaves, or even worse, dependent on the generosity of others. This shit is cold, and hard, but ideology aside this is 100% a fact. I'm not offended, but I'd be happier arguing against a logic/fact based argument that was countering mine, instead of a childish insult. Relying on emotionally based insults to bolster your false economic perspective? Embarrassing. Even worse is the fact that you both are in fact an economically privileged white people, with a "not my fault, or responsibility" mindset regarding your own financial reality. Many people on this board actually know me IRL, and can vouch for the fact I'm 100% about what I'm saying on here, and not some fake person on here for trolling purposes. Unlike yourself, I actually did grew up an economically disadvantaged minority. I legit spent the majority of my teen years either incarcerated, or as a ward of the state. This might be hard to believe because half you pussies are street struck, and think poverty is cool or some shit. Not me. Sort of like a mental disinfectant, these uncomfortable economic truths I'm sharing do sting a little, but I'm not trying to cause pain. No need to get defensive and claim my mindset is a sign I "never needed to scrape by to barely survive" lol. That's just your own ego weakness, justifying the unbelievably low bar you've set for yourself in life. A certain type of defensive denial of reality rides in with those emotions, telling you obvious lies, like social mobility does not exist. "He must never have had to struggle" lol. Or in @abrasivesaint's case, with his own false assumption that you need a special genes, or cultural upbringing to learn how to save, and invest, and that asserting otherwise is somehow racist. People that embrace this toxic, self defeating mindset in life will are doomed to wage slave until the day they die, or even worse, go through life depending on other people's generosity. A self fulfilling prophecy, an a toxic mindset, removing any meaning from our relatively short time alive on this planet.
  11. I'm not asserting poor financial decisions correlate with race, I'm asserting they correlate with financial status. By bringing race into it, you're the one implying it. Granted, denying that financial literacy correlates with financial status is punching upward, but it's still a classist statement by definition. Worse yet, it's factually incorrect. Proves my point.
  12. Twitter arguing over the best non-Christmas Christmas movie right now. My vote was for Trading Places.
  13. You throw your meat/marinade in a sealed bag, and cook it slowly in warm water somewhere between bathwater temp & boiling. Takes a long time but seals in juices better than deep frying, and cooks everything perfectly even. Throw that bitch in a skillet and you got yourself some fancy pants poop making materiel. Highly recommend.
  14. We have one, but haven't done a steak in it yet. Combination of not patient enough to wait, and charcoal/wood fire fanaticism. Done quite a few Costco pork loins in one like that, and honestly, it's hard to really go wrong with slow cook to sear. I bet a nice steak like that would be worth the wait.
  15. Just watch a video about the Christmas truce of 1914. Good stuff. My neighborhood is setting off fireworks for some reason, but my dog is so old he’s deaf so at least I’ve got that going for me.
  16. I low key hope I catch this weak shit naturally. Two of our Christmas dinner guests aren’t coming because one just tested positive.
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