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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I predict @Dark_Knightdiscovers his neighbor doesn't shave the sniz very often with half a pair of binoculars.
  2. Mercer


  3. Mercer


  4. Mercer


    Me after a line of coke, and making $50 for shipping an ounce of shrooms. redditsave.com_business_man_doing_business-3zk57a97hha81.mp4
  5. That's such a Sagittarius thing to say.
  6. Mercer


    One look at a woman like her, you know she can't do shit for you. Couldn't hold it down in the kitchen, or bedroom even if she tried. This bitch holds down her neck, not for her man, but to look at her phone/selfies every 2 seconds.
  7. In 2022, we will ignore the ignore feature, and contradict our own avatards.
  8. Mercer


    An "art" genre I can actually respect.
  9. Mercer


    redditsave.com_be_better_than_that-87b5loch8mb81.mp4 When she said "he's" I legit didn't see the background, and assumed she was being transphobic.
  10. She's about to birth him a payment plan, and not come with any tiddey milk. America hates dick owners.
  11. They're going to try raise interest rates after midterms elections, and cause a massive financial shitstorm.
  12. One of the possible hundreds of TPWF’s run off the board by DAO back in the day when skinny jeans were trending.
  13. Last two places I rented used an automatic lease payment service that had the option of reporting your lease payments on your credit, and any account (including the one rent was paid from) can earn interest, and receive automatic deposits from investments. If we're being honest, Americans are economically retarded compared to Koreans, it's not because they have these programs over there. It's just that we almost never spend less than what we make here, no matter the income level. Only a very small percentage of renters here would even have enough net worth saved up to have interest cover the utilities bills, let alone rent.
  14. Mercer


    The guy she told you not to worry about... That's pimpin
  15. Mercer


    redditsave.com_girl_gets_offended_by_a_name_of_a_country-h4bd2mkm04b81 (1).mp4
  16. Don't be fooled by the vaporization of the mass delusional mandate/lockdown narrative. Only thing this proves is suspending basic human rights like bodily autonomy never works out as planned. Don't be fooled now, into letting your guard down this winter. This is still a dangerous man made viral pathogen, and not a joke. Chances are you'll be ok if you catch it, then again there's a good chance you (or the people you spread it to) won't be. A life that's worth living requires taking risks. Just weigh those risk against the probability, and potential of consequences. Simply ignoring them doesn't make them go away.
  17. Shitcoin traders feeling this level of anxiety: redditsave.com_trying_to_invest_in_the_crypto_market_when-pbk77ittt1b81.mp4
  18. Funner fact, the only people here with families that aren't recent migrants, look more like recent migrants, the more inbred the eye of the beholder is.
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