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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Loser? Dude nobody in your own province ever even heard of you, you're literally 100% a nobody IRL.
  2. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    You're going to have too from here out. I've ignored your shit talking too long. I know it's not a good look, but if you're going to be disrespectful towards me on a regular basis, we're both going to do the dance until one of us gives up now faggot.
  3. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    @whereI'm following all your poor person posts with unnecessary shit talking from here on out homie, just like I'm going to do @Kults
  4. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    @whereis too much of a pussy to talk shit, without a loser in his DM's manipulating him.
  5. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    No, no bruh, none of that. First of all, I can't afford the cart rental, second of all I'm super serious about muh stroke count, and comparing what I can do with balls with other dudes in cute outfits. /prohomo™
  6. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    I just like putting wack plaid shit on, and paying someone else to walk around outside. It lets me forget, and pretend I'm emotionally, and financially stable good parent for a moment.
  7. Mercer


  8. Buying a years supply of stuff from Costco in bulk, but only when it's on sale.
  9. This shit is the worst, fire industry usually bills hourly, so we can just stop working, and slow way the fuck down if we have to deal with unintentionally distracting/annoying customers.
  10. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    I used to think everything about golf is lame AF, but these days after I'm hip to frat boy slang like "Divot Dogs", and watching a Socialist bootlick Randolph & Mortimer culture, I still think it's lame AF.
  11. Mercer


    ...and she kept the skirt on tight. ^^^ redditsave.com_me_irl-w477ibpa9uk81.mp4
  12. @ElitePacks Telegram (021).mp4
  13. Not saying he doesn't have a right to, but he's been provoking Putin in public, and private for years directly threatening his personal wealth. IMO both leaders have failed their people. Don't get it twisted though, I'm not some idiot Trumptard trying to justify Putins because the bots told me too. IMO he is for sure the bigger piece of shit here. I just think dude should have been working to avoid this, instead of intentionally trying to provoke it. When I look at a war and see one side as virtuous, and the other side as the opposite, that's a clear sign the lens I'm looking through is cloudy. There's just way more virtue in quietly avoiding a war, and none of us knowing his name/face, than him executing a near flawless PR campaign now.
  14. These sanctions are getting out of hand, Sensei revoked the belt. No more spin kicks.
  15. It's interesting when things first pop off, before an issue is politicized when people bother to think for themselves. The same polarization pattern keeps emerging making every hot take predictable, and fucking dumb in 4 easy steps. First, team blue's pimps preemptively choose wrong, but better optics for their bottom bitches to parrot on social media, and top bitches on MSM. Team red, with their much weaker pimp hand makes it's decision by letting bottom their bitches choose the opposite of team blue, not what's right according to their own ideology. Team red's pimps are left playing press secretary, for terrible optics, thinking there's a conspiracy why they're losing. Excusing Russian dick in the mouth, instead of a knee on a neck this time. Everyone suffers because both teams of modern morons are so passionate about their own countrymen as their worst enemy. This shit would be hilarious if innocent people didn't face unimaginable consequences as a result of 99.9999% of people unable to think for themselves.
  16. What’s the fucking point of even pretending we’re thinking anymore if every stance is 100% pre-determined by party. It literally took less two days for this issue to polarize into camps, that have a strong & predictable preference on if it’s red or blue team fucking their ass. This country totally deserves what’s coming to us. Americans always think their greatest enemy is their fellow countrymen, and they are unable to think clearly anymore.
  17. Mercer


    Been getting into Scott Horton's show, he's on par with Dan Carlin @metronomebut with more recent history, from the anti war perspective which is super rare.
  18. Either it's getting wild over there, or I'm having trouble believing the propoganda.
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