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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Truth is you do fuck with @lord_casekand @Dirty_habiT, and they convinced you to say that shit via private message and you went with it. Tell me that shit is a lie.
  2. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    You can't backpedal out of this shit, because I've got the receipts of your posts too.
  3. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Why are you lying then, and saying I doxxed him?
  4. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    There's proof in front of you now these dudes where legit white knight style defending white nationalists. Proof @lord_casekthreatened to dox Injury for talking shit on the proud boys, proof literally right there Your bum ass is on here coordinating with these faggots, lying, literally saying I doxxed someone Not sure why you'd think I'd want to be cool with you after pulling that shit, and after I legit told you you're a piece of shit. I just gave you your chance here to admit you're lying, and cut your losses, but you're passing. So fuck you @where. I'm not going to ever stop following your posts up in here exposing you for being a piece of shit Nazi sympathizer on 12oz. Those other dudes aren't around on here now, but as for you and @Kults12oz is serious business sometimes. Don't think everyone else on here a fucking goofy like you. This isn't fucking reddit and I'm not joking right now. You both really played yourselves on this shit.
  5. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    You really played yourself associating with dudes that white knight for the Proud Boy. Alls you have to do is man up, and tell me you'll never do that lying shit again. Personally, I don't care if you continue to talk shit to me, or if you like me or not. I really do care that you're on here trying to play with my name though.
  6. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Cool man, so you're a racist and one of those goofies, or are you going to address the dude calling you out for doing bitch moves like trying to start rumors with 12oz racists crew?
  7. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    It's not going nowhere until you address it, @where people on here know you IRL just like they know me. Trying to ruin my rep on here with lies because I posted a Kobe meme once is about to backfire on your racist ass homie.
  8. Corn itself is a Grain, in fact one of the grains china suspiciously bought up @6PenniesIn the United States we make our own Ammonium Nitrate. So that's not really a counter. There are grain reserves, and strategic grain reserves. We do have a massive amount of debt, and a very bloated balance sheet on the stock market that if it crashed because the Chinese, who are pretending to not be plotting actually are, and pull their investments/debt.
  9. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    @wherewhen he's looking at proof he's a Nazi sympathizer
  10. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    As a matter of fact I am you little hitler youth piece of shit, what's your point?
  11. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    like I said, you're fucking done until I'm banned faggot, buckle the fuck up
  12. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Yea, let's go back to a socialist talking about their love for golf shit now @where
  13. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    You're done @where you literally joined in with white suprematist's @lord_casekand @Dirty_habiTto start a rumor I doxxed someone. Need I remind your dumb ass: Never forget that shit, you sided with white nationalists you little pussy, I'm never going to forgive you for trying to lie, and spread this rumor @where, and literally fuck anyone else on here who has your back. I'll stand by these words that day, against a fucking white supremacist defending Proud Boy's honor forever, no matter how you're trying to twist the narrative you racist, or racist adjacent little piece of shit. Both you and @Kultsare my enemies now. I'll also stand by my words you are a piece of shit father, and you also know that's true deep down inside.
  14. No idea if that's true, but that's the only long game strategy I've heard that isn't "Russia Dumb Nazi" that actually makes logical sense, and is verifiable as far as these events happening openly, and being reported on in the press leading up to this. I'm 50/50 on this theory, and the Putin is stupid for whatever reason theory to explain why these sanctions (we all knew would happen) would be worth him Invading for. Regardless I'm stocking up on non-perishables this year pretty heavy just for the food price increases I'm 100% sure on happening. Funny thing about food, if you believe in subjective value theory, is that it can raise in value exponentially during shortages. People will gladly trade their car, or anything they have to feed their family and save off starvation. With 8 billion of us on the planet, if there's only 7.5 billion people's worth of food, things will get very ugly, very quick.
  15. Grain shortage theory: • China buys unusually large amounts of grain for their strategic reserves 2021. (linked search showing several news sources) • Putin suspended Ammonium Nitrate sales to Europe early February well before invading. Ammonium Nitrate is a petrochemical fertilizer Russia would never actually have a shortage of Ammonium Nitrate is essential for growing grain crops, and most of it in Europe comes from Russia Farmers will need to pay exponentially more for Ammonium Nitrate, or grow non-grain crops this year This fall, a significantly reduced grain harvest will occur, but Russia & China will be doing OK China starts cashing out their USD investments and inflation doubles the cost of food China drove the price up, so nobody in the west stocked up their strategic reserves for this Food shortage starts ramping up Q4 2022, as Russia and China are laughing at our sanctions now Bread costs over $15 USD a loaf by end of next summer, guaranteed recipe for civil unrest U.S. unable to exert international power due to problems at home No more Taiwan, etc. also no more "former" Soviet States Economic collapse of the West, great depression 2.0
  16. Trying to be a 10 in a world of fucking 2's is frustrating, so I'm going to be a 2 now.
  17. I still say there's a big surprise in this for the West outside of the Slavic Hitler trying to unify Russia theory. The grain shortage theory floating around is looking super credible RN.
  18. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Some people in this thread can't even raise their own kids properly, broke as fuck, but into golf because fuck that little kid.
  19. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    A new Dirty Habits account appears.
  20. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Shouldn't you be polishing some balls now or something?
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