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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer


    The part where he says "I smell a little crack in you" sounds like he's trying to channel Old Dirty's holy spirit, excellent sample materiel.
  2. Few people who actually give it some thought would find a luxury car with 600+ miles of range as useful as one with an option to exploit the supercharger network. I mean if you could afford that car, and can afford to drive 600 mile day trips regularly, you need to reprioritize your time. I'd say with the F150 lightning, 600 miles would be a perfect max just to increase haul/cargo capacity when needed between overnight charges at home. Road trips aren't much of a priority for a work truck. Luxury cars though, there's literally nothing better to road trip in unless it's a camper.
  3. Funny, but what's this mean for the stock price is the only correct take here.
  4. Instead of needing free speech for a democracy to work, opposing views need to be censored. - Maximum Bootlickers.
  5. Whatever Elon is considering paying, it's totally worth it just to watch right wing Twitter pretend they're libertarians & for free markets again. Like they weren't tweeting support for the government to disregard individual property rights less than a month ago so the government they hate can micromanage social media policy. Almost as hypocritical as supporting trade wars & taxing/tariffs under Trump, then admitting the Russian sanctions won't work, and only hurt both sides economically. Literally trying to blame Biden for gas prices the moment he was elected after they started a trade war. Pretending to hate inflation now, but not a peep under Trump after looking at his big ugly signature on the Pandemic Checks, and all the excessive money printing that started under Trump, that's causing inflation now. Almost as hypocritical as demanding to regulate people's uteruses, then being mad about jab mandates saying it's a violation of bodily autonomy. They don't stand for something, and fall for literally anything. There isn't a single consistent principal other than adherence to identity politics. Always been that way, just following along the Hagelian Dialect. Republicans enact more gun control on the Federal level than anyone else. They don't respect individual bodily autonomy, the right to defend one's self, or even private property rights. They're working towards the same goal their so called opponents are, absolute control, and unlimited power.
  6. redditsave.com_saline_bag_deflated_on_woman-dgsmw4kggxs81.mp4
  7. Me trying to swallow the fact you need a mainstream political ideology to write graffiti in 2022. 0xbx_92bcJWUoy_I.mp4
  8. Cockblockers are unable to launch sneak attacks with a 270º smash-situational awareness.
  9. Both Brandy, and the Stark girl rock their eyes far enough apart to run for mayor in Chicago.
  10. China's ultimate goal is to inject the digital yuan eventually as a world reserve currency much like the dollar is heavily used in other countries now. If it's digital, this gives them the ability to micromanage economic systems, and surveil economic activity in detail outside of their borders. The petrodollar with the Saudi's is over, unless Biden flies over to give the crown prince a handy personally at this point. As much as I hate war, the only one I support is the United States vs the Saudi Royal Family since around fall 2001, and the petrodollar is IMO the main thing stopping that. I find this move on their part very interesting and ballsy, and an excellent opportunity for some actual justice, but that's beside the point. They've already launched this digital yuan shitcoin in China and it flopped. Nobody wants a government controlled record of every financial transaction they make, or to worry about their account balance which will be tied to social credit score. Cryptocurrencies are all but completely outlawed in China now, but real crypto is much more valuable/desirable than digital yuan in China which flopped on launch much to the CCP's embarrassment. China is not giving up on it though, and it looks like Russia might join. The United States is just now getting wise to world war quatro, and their response, or I should say Biden's administration's response is to attempt to launch a central bank controlled digital currency of their own (lol), instead of strategically bolstering the free worlds use of cryptocurrencies. Let's face it, who want's their shit to be confiscated in this age of state surveillance. Treudo did us all a favor reminding us they'll just take you bank account for wrong think. Worse yet, these governments can't help themselves from dumping/legally counterfeiting their shitcoins, and devaluing the earnings of their own working citizens, just to prop up and favor the politically connected & banks. People might even acquire the brainpower to understand this shit eventually despite their miseducations in public schools. They're going to have to to survive the upcoming transition.
  11. I got a big raise to leave the union when I moved to Colorado, and for a minute hated the Union back in NYC for that very reason. Being held back to earn the same pay as a fuckup. The longer that bad taste wore off, the more I realized there's actually some heavy value to that. Might have been a negative for me personally, and my company, but overall was a net positive considering for every good tech, there were at least 10 fuckups, and 3 of them def wouldn't have a job if it weren't for a Union. In short, those guys needed it way more than I didn't.
  12. Teachers suffer from artificially suppressed wages because of the Union, everyone expects lower wages because they do share their pay with each other. This market wide low wage transcends public/private teaching wages. I say this as someone who's generally pro union (minus their involvement in gov/politics). The teacher's union needs it's monopoly status broken (the state currently helps prevents this), and allow individuals districts to create their own, or join other unions. Worker's can't really organize with parasitic unions backed by the state as an obstacle. The level of corruption in my own union was disheartening but tolerable because we made great money/benefits.
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