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Everything posted by stresssack

  1. True not on purpose. The person below has fucked a stripper.
  2. True, got drunk, kicked it with some friends at the bar and scored rodeo cook off passes from some broad. The person below hates curry.
  3. I normally don't do anything special for valentines day, but my girlfriend is cool ass hell and I want to do something nice for her. Plus I've kinda been fucking up a little bit lately so making her feel special on v-day is what needs to happen. Im probably going to cook her a nice meal, go eat down by the water if the weather is good and give her this necklace I'e had my eye on. Then sex her.
  4. False, vacation is for capitalist suckers. The person below ate tacos for dinner.
  5. The only time I will eat Denny's or IHOP is when I'm drunk as shit. Shit is kinda gross.
  6. Hell motherfucking no. The person below has more than one dog.
  7. "Sorry officer, I didn't know I couldnt do that...."
  8. Industrial construction. Equipment installs, pipe fitting etc.....
  9. False, the sub shop down the road has got a bad ass tuna sandwich. The person below the person below loves tuna sashimi.
  10. False. I don't really have a schedule, I just drink most nights. The person below just had a pregnancy scare.
  11. False advertising. It would be nice to have the tightness of a virgin with the experience of a slut though....
  12. Ive pulled a few that were older than Id like to admit. I hooked up with one in particular who loved loved to suck dick and fucked like a champ, so naturally I would call her a few times a week late night if I didn't have anything else lined up. After a few weeks of this she said we needed to talk, and then told me that she just realized that she had a few mutual friends with my parents and that she knows them. I laughed, then boned her.
  13. I've had some that were REALLY good and some I wish I could forget. For the most part they are fun and they already know Im not tryin to get into a relationship with em. Smash when they come around, just watch out for clingers, nothing worse than a 40 yr. old who thinks she is in love with you....
  14. True. The person below fucked a fatty last night.
  15. False. Its good but not my favorite. The person below is trying to decide if they are going to the bar tonight or not.
  16. False been there done that. They just dont appeal to me anymore. The person below speaks spanish.
  17. False. But I want to sex her. The person below has fucked sisters.
  18. False. Don't really care... The person below refuses to eat jack in the box.
  19. False but my boy did. The person below has a cold.
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