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Everything posted by stresssack

  1. Thinkin about where im goin out tonight, I cant seem to spend a night at the house since I had to quit smokin weed.
  2. False. Never. The person below slapped someone today.
  3. False I used to but Ive gotten better about it. The person below is going to a pro sporting event today.
  4. Praise Christ, brother. They were pretty gnar, minus the jebus talk. And steriod free my ass...
  5. Finally learned how to not sweat the small stuff. Got lots pussy. Makin good money at the new job. Livin the dream in 09.
  6. Falsish, I used to be really bad but I quit smoking so much weed and it helped alot. The person below is getting sick.
  7. False. Not even close. The person below has a friend who has completely lost their mind due to eatin xanax like they were candy.
  8. False. The person below has lots of allergys.
  9. If im with friends that actually care about it, but I don't really pay too much attention. The person below has had their interwebs cutt off lately.
  10. Just got home from my milfys house, about to get some food and a arizona lemon tea to try fix this hangover.
  11. "Did my time in population with the real O.G.'s"
  12. Apparently the internet is still serious fuckin business. Its not enough to be on 12oz all day, so people go to a chat room to talk about whats goin on here?Sweet.
  13. False, lots of em. The person below likes Jagermeister.
  14. False, no idea. The person below has to wake up early as fuck tomorrow.
  15. Tryin to figure out what the fuck I did last night. And slowly coming to realize that I might just be an alcoholic.
  16. I can't bring myself to watch anything about Kanye West. Sorry.
  17. False. About to go fishing. The person below thinks fishing is boring.
  18. An old friend of mine lives right on a saltwater lake just south of Houston. We had just got back from wakeboarding/wakeskating and we decided to jump off their boathouse and swim. While we were on top of the boathouse we see some girl hauling ass on a jetski directly at the low bridge that was about 500-600 feet from his house(during a high tide). He makes a comment about she was an idiot if she didn't slow down before the bridge and not even 10 seconds later we see get her head knocked off. Not pretty. The next summer we saw some guys from a local boat store take out one of the brand new Donzi's off the show room floor and they flipped the boat in front of my boys house going about 65. The boat seperated into two peices. Two of the guys walked away with only minor broken bones and some bruises but the other one broke his neck and had to be lifeflighted from my buddys street.
  19. Haha False. The person below is fucking hungry.
  20. On top of the fact that she is a bad ass cook, dude is trippin...
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