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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Dear Seyer, Stay classy, mate. Onwards and upwards. Cheers, thepro Dear Saturday, I really hope you are going to cooperate and be good to me today, I am tired and on a short wick, so if you could only allow nice people with lots of money to come and see me today, that'd be just grand. Cheers, thepro
  2. Nope. Ain't nobody wearing a jumper on a 40 degree day. TPBM has prayed for rain.
  3. False. Although I have been invited to a party of backpackers in a paddock out the back of nowhere. Rusty tractor sex? We'll see. TPBM has had sex in a moving vehicle.
  4. Having a sale on advertising right now? What an opportunity. 12oz him up.
  5. Haha, we're not on the brink of shit. China already won, they'll take their retarded cousin with them as well.
  6. Fuck I hate Bob Carr. Why do we always have such faggot arse bitch made foreign affairs ministers?
  7. I fucking love ducks, and already own many. TPBM feeds ducks at the park.
  8. Whoever is above is ear would be PISSED OFF about that hat.
  9. Only once. TPBM ding bang da doong dang dah bing dang dooawwww
  10. Over the last one or two years the style hasn't gotten better is all. Looks like the same skill level from when this stuff first appeared, so maybe it's good for people to say something? I do agree somewhat, I used to be one of the better haters going around but I've lost the energy and enthusiasm that used to drive me there. Basically because everyone is shit.
  11. True. Shotgunned a VB out the front of the local shopping centre, used my mates older brothers watch to pierce the can. TPBM remembers what happened AFTER their first beer.
  12. You mean taking a photo of your own gear as soon as you finish and then uploading it to the internet straight away? What's not to like?
  13. False. I only talk to myself, so I'm always right. TPBM has to make a decision about someone's life today.
  14. On that gamer groove again, huh Mass? False. But I wouldn't mind a copy of GTA to play. TPBM doesn't drink coffee, but thinks about drinking coffee.
  15. Hell yeah, we can do this like gangstas and slug it out (Thug Luv) Or we can do this like punks and punk it out. Pull your strap on me (Thug Luv) Nigga and you better kill me.
  16. http://articles.philly.com/2013-03-31/news/38147820_1_susannah-park-joe-groh-new-name Reminds me of a year or so ago, they changed the spelling of a road from Pusey to Puzey to be sensitive to idiots. Stupid thing is, Pusey was the name of one of the first settlers on this land, how you going to just change someone's name a hundred years after they've died? Nonsense.
  17. False. Drove to work to find a screw driver. TPBM really needs to get some sleep.
  18. PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The owner of a historic cheesesteak shop in Philadelphia says he's changing its controversial name. Chink's Steaks owner Joe Groh says he'll change the name to Joe's Steaks & Soda Shop on Monday. Civil rights groups have long protested the current name, citing its reference to a racial slur. Groh tells The Associated Press it's time to "get with the times." The shop opened in 1949 and was named for founder Sam "Chink" Sherman, who died in 1997. Groh says Sherman was like a father to him, and Sherman never thought of his nickname as a slur. He says neighborhood kids came up with the nickname. Asian-American groups have long petitioned for a change, however, thousands of people signed a petition years ago in favor of keeping the original name.
  19. I wouldn't have done half the bad shit I've done if it weren't for graffiti relations. I can't see too many of the younger writers having the same stories in 15 years time as some people do now is all. Probably a good thing. Fuck knows. Ramblin'.
  20. I did a small amount of juvie, but not sent by my parents. EDIT: True. But only one. I ain't paying credit with credit. TPBM didn't make one single phone call from jail.
  21. Haha. Yeah, Vossen CV3's. Nice rims. Can control!
  22. Sorry to disappoint. I thought the Merc. star emblem delete and the smoked tails were quite nonsensical in their own right.
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