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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Nope. tpbm still rocks a tape deck in their vehicle.
  2. I have a long way to go. False. TPBM is stoked they're going to increase dole payments in Australia.
  3. Both sides of the argument will say it's about levels of intake. It is strictly speaking a central nervous system depressant, but in small quantities for example the first drink or so, the ethanol will encourage the release of dopamine. Which is where the 'inhibition' comes in. At that stage, the effect is a stimulant.
  4. Could, or couldn't? I don't really care as long as it doesn't effect me. TPBM is easily effected by shit that has nothing to do with them.
  5. False. Worst I've had is a tyre iron, two blokes holding my arms, one bloke swinging at my noggin. TPBM doesn't like watching fights.
  6. Hahaha. Nice. Smash Abegail though.
  7. True. After the first time you get properly belted you realise that it's not going to kill you. Been a long while since someone felt the need to punch me though. TPBM gets into fisticuffs on the regular.
  8. I've seen some references popping up recently, but I know nothing of it, so I couldn't blame you. False. No jokes. TPBM thinks this would be a smart purchase to make;
  9. True. Morning farts are the best. TPBM has two showers a day.
  10. False. TPBM never cries about the money they spend.
  11. Alcohol has various effects depending on intake. The first effect for 99% of people is a stimulant. It's once you continue drinking (in one session) that the depressant properties take over. For long term alcoholics, the body pains are mainly due to closing of the capillaries, that's why after a few drinks of high gravity booze we feel better, the blood is thinned and creates the illusion of health associated with intake. I'm just talking for me. We're all different.
  12. Fuckin' snowflakes. EVERYWHERE. SNOWFLAKES.
  13. The ridiculousness of not covering your hands, where most insect bites occur leads me to believe that the person who designed said costume is an idiot.
  14. False. Love it. TPBM goes fishing on the regular.
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