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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. True, me and my mans is runnin' out of ammo. TPBM has ordered fish to eat on Good Friday.
  2. I have a fair few AIT tickets, but I didn't practice very hard to get them. False. TPBM has tickets to drive just about any piece of machinery.
  3. TRUE. TPBM thinks writing character references for court for old friends is getting a bit tiresome.
  4. False. Every glassblower I've ever met was a complete dick. TPBM has met an inordinate amount of glassblowers.
  5. True. One was a neg though. Poor little bugger having a rough day. TPBM is about to start a show and has done ZERO prep/rehearsal.
  6. Unless it was an elaborate game of musical chairs, I don't see the issue. TPBM is hungry as fuck right now.
  7. Reminded me of Totem's car before his latest mods;
  8. Haha, if it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me. My life goes on unchanged, but the bloke is a fuckwit.
  9. So you obviously didn't read about it from a real source.
  11. Rauch beers aren't for me either. Just cannot get my head around them. Got a new grain mill, pretty fucking stoked with it. Beats the hell out of using a hand held drill setup. Now we be brewin'!
  12. The requirement being she would have to keep that second belly strapped up tight like that.
  13. City boy living in a small town wishing every motherfucker would leave me alone. False. TPBM is sick of this multiple mobile (cellphone) numbers game.
  14. That's cheaper than most for sure.
  15. Haha, home delivered booze. That's just nutty.
  16. False. But I have been craving a joint, haven't sparked a noose for God knows how long. TPBM realises that alcohol is a drug.
  17. Never cheated, never will. Just don't have it in me. So probably truer than false. TPBM thinks I should buy this;
  18. True. Body. TPBM is rain effected once again.
  19. Nope. But I would've laughed too. TPBM wears no name brand clothes.
  20. I'm just lucky I guess, you blokes seem to have a fuck load of transexuals (trap's as Mass informed me) roaming around over there. Over here, that shit is still very much not socially acceptable. I feel sorry for you blokes if before you can make a move on something that made it move, you need to assess other areas of the body to make sure you don't 'accidentally' fuck a dude.
  21. Naw. TPBM just saw a black swan and felt like drinking.
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