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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. True. Many times. TPBM has a specific spot in their garden where they urinate.
  2. True. Morning dump. TPBM is looking at some unseasonable weather right now.
  3. False. Have to drive all day. TPBM doesn't care for St Patrick's Day.
  4. False. I like a bit of mystery. TPBM is a sex camel.
  5. Falser than you could ever dream. TPBM can walk around naked whenever they want.
  6. Peace out to the famalams always. TPBM has no fam left alive.
  7. Oddly true. Got info from an infectiously gorgeous young red head yesterday. Still smiling. True. E: No, but they've known about it. TPBM is just back in the game and doesn't know how long to wait to call these days, on some no facebook type shit.
  8. Haha, I'd probably be considered a Dipso, but I don't that's what you meant. So false. TPBM knows what Mass meant...
  9. Saturday here. Just another nail in the coffin. TPBM is in a slump at work.
  10. True. TPBM is on some sort of regulated diet.
  11. Naw. Takes me like two minutes and I'm not awesome at getting them over the pitch. False. False. If it was a trap, it was good one. TPBM is devastated that the C's got fuckin' belted today...
  12. I haven't heard of half these new rappers you blokes bang on about. So, false. TPBM has heard of 'jar jar'
  13. Those little buggers are a tonne of fun on gravel though, fizzy little engine, revs like a bike. Very slow though. What does a Walgreens sell?
  14. True. TPBM has reversed over an animal.
  15. False. But I did hear then last night/morn around 2am - 3am. Neighbour must've got a new toy because it fuckin' boomed. TPBM would investigate if they heard gunshots at 2am.
  16. I don't like being around fat people at all. Everything is harder and slower with a fat person. It's like being a carer. True. TPBM has been a carer for the mentally ill.
  17. Can't turn off nature, so I don't really have a choice unless I shoot everything. TPBM is an incredibly courteous driver.
  18. You're right though, inner metropolitan areas are generally very well catered for. I actually live in the biggest non metropolitan tourism area in the country, which is another reason that the petrol price is always a gouge!
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