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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Would you agree that graffiti used to be much more of a gateway to crime say ten years ago? These days the majority of newer writers are more than happy being legal eagles and day spot queens. At least it should push people to keep trying new styles...
  2. Halfway between NONSENSE and Australia thread; Worth a watch, or wait until someone makes it into a gif in a few minutes.
  3. Just punched out a grav on my new stout. Fuck I love hitting gravity.
  4. Grain alcohol. Indeed. True. TPBM could run their car off this shit they drinkin'.
  5. True. I have that sinking feeling that my C's are going to get killed by the Knicks. So it's staying off. TPBM fucks with their teams apparel.
  6. True. Now I just relax and stack platinum plaques in my shacks. True. But we trap animals out here. None of this transvestite drug dealer business. TPBM still fucks with a tape deck.
  7. Very end of that clip, check the pants the camera dude has on. Haha. Almost worse.
  8. Shit was vicious, but surely fictitious. False. TPBM won the Easter egg hunt.
  9. Saw the 'Best of Overhaulin'' TV show yesterday, hilarious how they banged on about Armstrong and how much he's inspired people to keep challenging themselves, no matter the difficulties they face. Basically, if you're having a bad day, have you considered meth?
  10. True. TPBM is a hard man to work for.
  11. AIPA's are far from the king of beers, they've just been rammed down everyone in America's throat. I love that they just keep putting 'American' in front of everything and creating their own style guidelines. I never adhere to SG's because I don't brew enough to care about the award scene, but the term 'American India Pale Ale' is just annoying.
  12. Hahaha, people always run in the dumbest direction.
  13. False. Only false part is 'recently' - fuckin' get yours, mate. Never look back. TPBM took off their mirrors, so people know they never look back.
  14. You're young, mate. You just are.
  15. She'll be a ten, mate. For sure. Pretty much any Aussie broad that can hold a conversation is attractive.
  16. More likely around here for a cigarette to be called a 'dart', 'noose' or 'smoke'. This isn't water, this is Vodka. Shit does get confusing though. Americans still get a bit tripped out that we wear thongs on our feet. All good though. Makes for a good mutual laugh.
  17. Correct. In the same way I'd assume you 'fuckin' a bitch' would involve you sticking your dick into a female canine.
  18. Nah, it's a mates car, three pedal automatic?!
  19. True. Nothing but more work for me. TPBM had passover this week.
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