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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. All of their sock games are not hella proper.
  2. Nasty. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c99_1372613418
  3. No, I mean I now have it on repeat. Definitely have not heard it before.
  4. Watching the world go by at my favorite spot. Photo when I'm not phone bound.
  6. *rockmelon I just ate some myself.
  7. Don't use fickr, just use a normal image hosting site like imgur
  8. Taking the day off as soon as some staff rock up.
  9. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/san-diego-man-faces-prison-time-chalk-sidewalk-article-1.1384525 Who knew graffiti was illegal!?
  10. Your posts are fucking awesome.
  11. ^^ Ballin' off the wall there mounty
  12. You're good people. Appreciate it. Right now I'm listening to the rain rattling on the tin roof of the shed I'm sitting in.
  13. Nope. TPBM thinks if they did half the things they tell other people to do they'd be a saint.
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