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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. I don't know what that means, mate!
  2. I feel you, my homie just got stabbed to death last weekend over some bullshit he wasn't even involved in. RIP to both of them.
  3. Stay strong my man, Red. Have you ended up where you said you were going? I had a bit of a trigger night last night. Local brewery has an annual beer dinner, I'm the only one that's never missed one... bittersweet? I don't know. But the kicker was some arsehole put a placecard for my ex next to my seat - they knew as well, this wasn't an innocent mistake, and she wouldn't be caught dead at a beer dinner. Anyway. I ended up having six regulars (315mL) - which I thought was pretty good. But really I should have halved it. Didn't offend, so... win? Not sure. So much of me wants to be here, but so much of me wants to just do the dingo and fuck off.
  4. Crazy Homer. But naww, every single motherfucker here knows me. TPBM thinks begging is a sweet gig.
  5. Sounds like an innovative way to 'rub one out' - but nay. TPBM thinks Mass has OCD
  6. Sounds like they make awesome fridge magnets.
  7. I always thought Corpus Christi was a person.
  8. Still looks like handball to me.
  9. Fuck a 40. Two five litre kegs of overproof should do it.
  10. I don't like where this is going... play safe!
  11. False. Follow through is instant DNF. TPBM enjoys replacing light globes.
  12. Dear pro's dreams, It's be super swell if you could distinguish yourself a little bit better from real life. It is awfully awkward talking to someone about an act and them staring blankly and telling you they weren't even at that spot last night. Cheers, thepro Dear Realism, As long as beer wasn't the reason you didn't bite your tongue in the first place... Enjoy. Cheers, thepro
  13. False. Just getting started. TPBM can see clearly now
  14. Sitting at a restaurant called bourbon. indeed.
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