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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Socially or educationally? Either way. FALSE. E: False. My hand writing is the stuff of legends. TPBM has completed tertiary education.
  2. Sunday nights aren't exactly 'bangin'' out here. False. TPBM thinks Meds is still pissing on something.
  3. How Freudian. TPBM thinks MedCab pisses on things for fun.
  4. TRUE. TPBM always urinates outside to keep predators away.
  5. All writers are fuckheads, some of the worst fly off the handle without doing a little research. In defense of the 12, please use your UserCP panel, navigate to EDIT OPTIONS, the first field will be this; You can simply untick the availability of your 'V'Card'. Interestingly enough, you've found that page as you're set to invisible, which is not default. Enjoy.
  6. Cursing my almost perfect, but not quite there, date usage budgeting. One day to go, slowed connection.
  7. False. TPBM thinks it's perfectly fine if the wheels are worth more than the car.
  8. True. TPBM thinks they need to learn another skill.
  9. Where I live it's hard to get anything American outside of Rogue, Brooklyn and some Bridgeport, Ballast Point. So I'll have to wait until I get over to the busy side of the country and see what they've got. I'll keep an eye out for Central Waters.
  10. So you blokes just basically made the game easier and changed the name. I love it.
  11. Is racquetball squash or tennis or badminton or something else?
  12. Naw. They broke the mould. TPBM is an impulse shopper with no money.
  13. I THOUGHT YOU SAID IT WAS MAYONNAISE. TPBM has incredibly lame joke posters hanging in their water closet.
  14. Not always. Depends on the reaction. False. TPBM will tell me the best way to prep a tuna fish sandwich so I can break my 27 year drought.
  15. If by men, you mean a MAN. Making a girl cry, breaking a promise/lying to someone you care about, not having a job, cheating at Scrabble because the other person is semi-illiterate. TPBM agrees with most of those. Ha! Beaten to the punch. TRUE. One bird always asked for it, and while I thought I was on some pornstar status shit at the time, the memories from it kind of haunt me... TPBM just felt the earth move.
  16. With all the people that seem to be in and out of Detroit I will not pretend to know what's going on. But that dick on the water tower looks like something LUSH would do.
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