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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Whisky. I see. Tastes like shit then, I thought it was meant to be rum. Haha. So sweet.
  2. Good looks, Rolf. I have a deal with my local. Three middies of mid strength then I'm cut off. Kind of a dick move to put any responsibility on them, but they are awesome about it. I've been driving my 'flash' cars as well, which makes me think before I drink.
  3. Isn't CC Canadian Club? = Rum?
  4. makers/woodford is pretty crap gear
  5. Get onto Stetsons, VFOR, it's worth it.
  6. You right mate, we're all human. No judgements here. If there are we'll ban the fuckers. The older I get the more I understand the saying; "I've had a tough year" I used to think it was about money.
  7. RIP Poppa CIL. Focus on the good times, mate. Funny stories, nice moments, might just be me, but those things help when I lose someone close to me.
  8. Dear IOU, It's called a brown out. Overload on the grid, and from watching the news, I'd say it's driven by heat. Be careful of running direct power to anything that has an inverter/powerboard - like split system air con and desktop computers. The brown (dirty) power is a killer for power supplies and inverters. Cheers, thePro
  9. Blue straight into some button mushrooms, bit of oil, straight in the oven. Throw some bacon at it, shit is life changing.
  10. False. I know exactly why. TPBM thinks my boy Web got fucked by RBR on some conspiracy shit last night.
  11. Thread doesn't even hit the first page on a search for 'Melbourne'
  12. Well. I thought 'eye' 'Arrrr' was funny. But then again I'm soft in the head. Carry on. Don't let the thread die on the back of my poor humour!
  13. FUCKING NONSENSE http://youtu.be/EJamdopUhgg Hope the cameraman is OK, but fuck RBR for fuckin' our boy ONCE AGAIN.
  14. Will do my best to get in on this.
  15. Just speaking in general, it's not always about you.
  16. Dear red, Haha at emo, coming from the guy that wants to write letters about death! Seriously though I still have a hard enough time dealing with friends dying and still getting locked up. My reaction has changed a fair bit, almost a numbness now. I've never found it easy to care about the death of someone I don't know. Then again, I'm a fuckin' hermit, so what do I know? Cheers, thePro
  17. Positive thoughts headed your way, Cil.
  18. Just saying yo for the weekend.
  19. You go for gold, mate. Just a heads up was all.
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