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Everything posted by Dark_Knight

  1. Drunken trips to the ER for stitches. good times. good times.
  2. These.. Or these when im broke/stingy..
  3. hes had that account since 06..and decides to post for the first time today...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  4. Scientists find the easiest solution to every problem..not always the right solution.
  5. someone should post a not work-safe and dont get banned superthread
  6. when i worked in the local metroparks..i found kiddie porn pictures on one of the trails. true story.
  7. that roof with the blue tr on it used to be legit back in the day..
  8. bragging about out of towners in your city is like bragging about taking a picture with justin beiber...hold your own...
  9. Looks like a great time. Too bad we didnt connect when you were in clevo. Could of shown you the few fun things to do around town. Fuck pittsburgh for being an all around better city than cleveland.
  10. if youre gonna off yourself..this is the best way to do it. hands down.
  11. Fuck college for me...Actully ill probably go back at some point in my life, but i got connections out the ass and can find jobs like nothing. God im a fucking champion.
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