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Everything posted by Dark_Knight

  1. @fat ralphy I have a mag trainer for my bike for the winter months. I set up a fan and a tv right in front of me and I can burn fat on that bad boy all day. I’ve always wanted to get a stationary like that. Resistance variation would be nice. Ive developed some decent size since I’ve been back to weight training. In my mid 20s I was a large human, so I’m assuming most of what I’m getting back so quickly is amateur gains. Still feels great. Pescatarian diet really seems to be working for me. Haven’t been to the hospital In a few months now, so I’m hopeful it may be the answer I’ve been looking for. It’s something everyone knows, but it truly is amazing how fitness and diet can dramatically change your quality of life. I’m hoping I can stay in remission and continue long term. will post douche pic once I’m chiseled again.
  2. Me watching Trumpers lose their minds because their master took a big fat L from America IMG_4630.MOV
  3. Exactly. It’s like the top athlete of a child who decided to party and ruined their future. So much wasted potential
  4. I completely agree. We are a divided country. Most dont want Americans as a whole to have a good quality of life. They want their piece of the pie and fuck everyone else.
  5. That’s being said, Trump was/is an absolute cancer to our country, and makes me second guess everything I just stated. I could stand by those words more confidently before his reign of terror.
  6. America isn’t as bad as the news makes it out to be. Our political system is completely screwed, but whos isn’t? It’s frustrating to have divide in any case. I would consider myself a moderate as far as politics go, but there really is no place for someone like me as far as elected officials i can truly stand by. All that said, regardless of the domestic and global narrative that’s given, the vast majority of Americans would band together and show their patriotism if there was a true opposing force who threatened our lives and territory.
  7. Fishing with the old man today. Dude put me to school. Out fished me by a good few.
  8. I have a feeling Biden is going to win 😕
  9. you haven’t lived until you’ve pulled in a steelhead
  10. ~-::: ReAsOnS eLeCtOrAl CoLlEgE sHoUlDnT eXiSt :::-~
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