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Everything posted by Zoes

  1. The Girl.. ..With the Dragon Tattoo ..Who Played With Fire ..Who Shook the Hornet's Nest
  2. If Dan Seagrave did the cover art, chances are, the album is dope
  3. Guy, this is the new album.. & it definitely exceeded expectations.
  4. EXACTLY Villanueva broke the code.. Imagine 10% of what came out of Larry Bird's mouth while on the court.
  5. That's why its called "programming"
  6. :lol: Nice find Gnarlia, in before the gay-lock
  7. What if KG was a serial killer while on the road w/the Wolves in 05? This thread was made for you, guy.. SO DANCE!
  8. "C'mon now, Nueva niggaaah ...Nigga's joggin'round like a cancer patient n shit..." "KG called me a cancer patient, I'm pissed because, u know how many people died from cancer, and he's tossing it like it's a joke." "My comment to Charlie Villanueva was in fact 'You are cancerous to your team and our league,'" Garnett said. "I would never be insensitive to the brave struggle that cancer patients endure. I have lost loved ones to this deadly disease and have a family member currently undergoing treatment. I would never say anything that distasteful. The game of life is far bigger than the game of basketball."
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