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Everything posted by Zoes

  1. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,330356,00.html Now do you believe in Karma?
  2. Sounds like madukes is one of the 764 I'm typing about If you try to do the "right" things in your life, you put yourself in a better position to recieve positive reinforcement. However, these things can be different to everyone. For instance.. Joe Blow wants to be a better drug dealer in order to make more money to take care of his fam, he's well aware that dealing drugs is a bad thing. Bad karma? Todd Bod is in the same situation but is completely convinced that it's a good thing, a service that he provides to the people who are in need. Good karma?
  3. For every person doing the "right" things & getting directly rewarded for it there are 764 others consistantly doing the same things & getting nothing in return some of them are getting fucked even harder Even though what goes around may come around not everything happens for a reason
  4. definately need more bullpen help Coco & Drew for (Arizona) Micah Owings & Justin Upton? (Cincy) Mike Stanton & Ken Griffey Jr? (KC) Joakim Soria & Mark Teahan? Cannot wait for fantasy baseball
  5. They're starting rotation is straight in fact, that's only reason they're letting Curt take his old ass time J.D. should be better now that he's got his 1st AL year under his belt, the experience of being on a championship team with guys he gets along with & his newborn son isn't on his death bed anymore. I'm probably in complete denial about him but the guy seems chill.
  6. Depends on the product & it can be great money
  7. Fan Club Episode (Stimpy is asleep while Ren is still awake of insanity.) "I... I was nice today. NICE to all of those insipid little monkeys, answering thier STUPID letters. My hands... DIRTY!" (Scrapes his hands.) "THE DIRT WON'T COME OFF! ...President! What a joke. President! President of what? HIS fan club! How they love him! Look at him, lying there asleep. The idol of millions... (whipering)is a FOOL! Lying silly little fool... How easily I end the force... with these hands! These DIRTY HANDS! AND WITH THESE HANDS I HOLD THE FATE OF MILLIONS! They think he's a god, but he's as mortal as we. I KNOW! Just one quick TWIST... then it's over. Just one! Just... AAAAH! IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN! MY BRAIN! MY HOT, STINGING BRAIN! (He screams and falls unconscious) Ren's savage
  8. Get into sales, shit's easy
  9. I'd rather they spend $8 million on someone else Preferably someone under the age of 40
  10. The more Komodo Dragons, the better
  11. Cephalic Carnage ~ Counting The Days
  12. I heard the only way to get rid of GRIDS is to make a gay monkey cum hard
  13. http://www.crystalinks.com/holographicuniverse.html
  14. Soilent Green ~ Thirteen Days A Weak
  15. Over 18 million Americans admit to abusing prescription drugs. The # of abusers nearly doubled between 1992 & 2003 and tripled among teens n tweens Purdue was illegally marketing and selling OxyContin since December 1995 Just like the rest of the world, I want to see Dark Knight even more now that dude died
  16. Ooops, I lose Nasum ~ Slaves To The Grind
  17. Anal Cunt ~ You Robbed A Sperm Bank Because You're A Cum Guzzling Fag
  18. I've quit or got fired from a lot of jobs that I wasn't feeling & before I knew it, my qualifications were focused on the exact same kind of work so basically, it can be an endless cycle of being discouraged about your time / life My suggestion is to try & find something different for now change seems to distract from the uneasiness Chances are, the grass will always be greener
  19. "Show me how you suck a guy's cock"
  20. Zoes


    Humanity is an obvious virus
  21. I hate his gums cause they black
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