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Everything posted by NOSHIT

  1. she is really fuckin hot. agreed
  2. mothafucka haha this show is dope
  3. Re: Warrant > Brittny Fox with thier big Hair. Har har. No habla bandito holy shit man, that scared the fuck outta me.
  4. oh awesome, im coming up to 400 but if i was on my old account it would be coming up to 2k
  5. im not sure how many posts im up 2 now, but theres only one way to find out
  6. Re: Bang to Britney with this bag of potatoes. Har har. No habla bandito, K-Fed i dont even wanna think about what the fuck that is
  7. its scary because the judges who had to pick between her and a 27 year old couldnt tell the difference! WEREN'T THEY LOOKING AT HER CHEST?????????????????????
  8. are you kidding? the last time i had that problem was when the paint came out in 2005 i think it was.
  9. that looks so much better in person
  10. im lookin forward to seein this on the shelfs
  11. hahah butter, that made me lol i usually do it when im home on friday or saturday nights. but i usually pick up some markers and sketch and sketch and sketch until i fall asleep or until i decide its enough which isnt really until 5-6am some nights. but this is only a habit for the winter months because in summer i know the following day will be sunny so it will only piss me off if i sleep in and waste such a nice day
  12. i couldnt agree more. i got 2 really hot Maltese and Latina student teachers at my school at the moment. they know they get checked out heaps because every guy just stares at them. one of my mates tried to pick her up and now she hates him. hahaha to bad its my final year :( but let the good times rolllll
  13. the pinay girls are the best in the sheets.
  14. wait hold on, there ARE women on here?
  15. request for some really old sofles id love to see how far this guy has gone over the years
  16. i wonder what would happen if these snipers saw you taking a flick of them. as for bush, i found it pretty interesting to see him come into the country. Like from the second that AF1 touched australian soil to his massive ass convoy driving through the streets of "sidney" to him reaching his hotel. pretty remarkable and spectacular though but then again, i live in melbourne
  17. thats happend to me once, where the girl just started hitting me and shit because she saw me with another girl so she took it the wrong way. she was full on slapping me and i didnt hit her, just restrained her from hitting me more. any guy who hits girls (punches/kicks and abuses girls physically) should die fo real. no respectt
  18. Re: Bonk my snorkle with this big old potato. Hard. No habla espanol yeah definitely pinay
  19. EDIITTT*** are these all legit and REAL unlike the ones that are floating around on torrentz? has anyone else downloaded these? sorry for being a tad sus, just dont want to waste my time downloading this if its like a virus or another fake
  20. http://www.kproxy.com
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