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Everything posted by movementsmagazine

  1. haha. as soon as the new board is up, I'll get a new log in. this one is evoking haunting memories of my toy days. until then.
  2. just an update: the cat was found two blocks over dead from, what I assume was, a car hitting it. I went to college a month later and ended up breaking up with the girl. lame ending. I saw her sister (who owned the cat) one day downtown outside of the subway stop and arrived home to a facebook message asking me "why haven't you killed yourself yet." I still jerk off to topless photos of the daughters in this family.
  3. be quiiiiet. he has more than you do/will-ever. bambu- those are dope. sweet philosophy notes, too, by the way. haha.
  4. not bad not bad keep practicing ruck.
  5. I usually really dig your stuff. Besides the fill though, I don't like this. I dunno. That connection to the E is real weird too.
  6. doing the same simple a bunch of times will allow you to progress. you subconciously change small things, making letters flow better and better over time. it also helps you gain an eye for proportions. so keep drawing the same simple letters. put them together. etc etc. over and over. graffiti is based off of that. don't whine either or say it's boring because that is just proof you should not even start painting. ruck; you've progressed a lot but still, stick to the books. don't paint yet. if you do though, don't do street shit just practice at a middle of nowhere wall.
  7. I like that downward slopin hand.
  8. saw them about a month ago. awesome time. I almost broke my neck though.
  9. thanks man wiser-are those old sloe fills on top of there?
  10. I'm never painting with you guys again. Fuck off. Paintstainz is such an illegal immigrant.
  11. uhh time wise I have no idea haha. I stopped for random breaks, but not too long. thanks for the words yo. yeah psyklone and mezr are on that wall too.
  12. owl. spek. epik. drift. hare. num. melo. ugly. harsh. aroe(i think). ich. smith. opiate. good post!
  13. If I get less than 12, I need to nap during the day. I fall asleep in class and shit if I don't. I don't know if it's evolutionary or what haha, but we will probably live longer considering our bodies get more rest.
  14. two days a week, wake up at 8am and run to class by 8:30. The other days, wake up around 1 or 2. I go to bed around like midnight. I can't fucking function without atleast 11 or 12 hours of sleep anymore and I don't get it. Like, what the hell. Isn't the normal person only suppose to get 7-8 hours a night?
  15. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear girlfriend's good "guy friend," I am really appreciative of the fact that you constantly hit on my girlfriend, when you are fully cognizant of the fact she is 1.) dating me. 2.) uninterested in you and 3.0 tells me what you say and how you ask her to "fuck you" when you're drunk. It's cool too, considering you live in florida now and we live in New England. I heard you are coming up here for a few weeks though. Next week I think? Be forewarned that I will probably knock you out and leave your body on the AMTRAK tracks. PS. Your stupid scenester look/act is exhausted PPS. It sucks you have HPV. No really, like STDs suck and I'm pretty happy you finally got one.
  16. i like this i like the mar shit i like that alts shit. good work dudes.
  17. I quit drinking over a month ago, almost 2 months now. It's pretty rad I guess. I've gained weight since I stopped somehow. I never ate when I was drunk, and I was drunk quite a bit. Done with blow and xannys too. I'll smoke weed occasionally, why not.
  18. boston and providence are less than an hour away from each other. most kids are educated on both scenes. DIERs shit is dope. he gets up. cool, he tesaches you shit, but don't try to replicate the exact same letters as he does.
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