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Everything posted by movementsmagazine

  1. well like, can you go grocery shopping and shit ? for real. shit sucks dude. Personally, I'm an anti-social fuck so I wouldn't give two shits if I had to spend months on end in my place, because I do anyways. Buy a shit ton of books and just sleep alot.
  2. letters are on point. shadow isn't. just mess around with 3d and drop shadows until you get it.
  3. not all of my shit is small. I don't know why people have been coming off lately calling me off and shit. And good, I'm glad my fills are disgusting, but thanks for the props anyways dude.
  4. that is cool. work on your hand a bit though.
  5. haha my "garbage?" what do you define as "garbage?" and please, do post some of your flicks if you are going to speak up and act like a total asshole.
  6. how about you paint that instead of talking shit about me actually painting ?
  7. hahaha. where to begin. cocky? not at all. I'm the most insecure piece of shit in existance, ask duse. I rock alot of simples. I rock some pieces too. I also rock a shitload of throwups. but next time you shit on me for "just rocking simples" do me a favor check out some of the spots me and my dudes hit. you wouldn't be caught even looking at them, letting alone painting and two, yo don't paint at all. scene kid? flawed again. 80s hardcore and hiphop isn't "scenester" oh boo hoo I'm not wearing baggy pants. That must be why I'm smashing your bitch. say this stuff to me in real life. seriously. i'll get a kiiiick out of it and then get to throw you in front of a car.
  8. what ? that made no sense. let me rephrase this and emphasize it a bit more blatantly; I think you are a loser. I haven't liked you since day one. I have had the nonblessing of meeting you and learning you are a soft-spoken kid in real life, but you run your mouth allllloooooot online. I would refrain from painting in any area that is easily accessible by me. aka. this city and about 20 miles north south east and west of it.
  9. nobody gives a fuck. Ketamine? you must be cool, living in your parents richy rich home. how about you get off of the internet and go paint or something. XDRUGXFREEX (but not really.)
  10. i dig the outline but not the fill. too fruity even for me.
  11. LOL freax gonna cum.. duse post that shit i rocked today in your book. i'll get flix of my book tomorrow.
  12. Met some rad girl at school who lives real close. our personalities go hand in hand. she's a overly sarcastic honest asshole who is real cute and an absolute sweetheart. I seem to find nice girls and then quickly lose interest in them, but this girl has been consistantly holding my attention. she's real fun to hang out with and has actual interests outside of the typical 20 year old's. likes good books, psycology, etc. so far it's been going real well, yet I'm still real negative about it because that's my dealio.
  14. you mean top right ? that's my drunken stupor.
  15. I will probably give that to some QT. but if you want to buy any of my other/duse/seizes canvases, get at me.
  16. fuckity fuck driving in providence. LAWLZ @ the bored in detention dealio. but for real, I dig those sketches.
  17. oh and I use prismas and decos sometimes.
  18. verbs i'm down. get in touch with me on the internerd. im gonna hit up providence soon too if you want to get on that shit. i'll do an exchange. you write DEFINE, correct? i'll do it up tomorrow. verbs shit is dooope
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