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En Sabah Nur

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Everything posted by En Sabah Nur

  1. i use the smoked kind at chipotle... it's not bad. other good hot sauces: http://www.painisgood.com jamaican style. i also like the hot oil at chinese restaurants. not so much the chili paste, although it's not bad either.
  2. i hope that all the people in the bay and elsewhere that are thizzin right now get all depressed by next year or so, and start making the darkest hip-hop ever and lashing out against society. and you know, reforming the black panthers.
  3. i've been looking for one of those... i was told boat stores, but no luck so far.
  4. disclaimer: allow a nice environment of psychosis to run amok in this thread. i'm about ready for the revolution to get sparked. nola knows. i don't know if i'm gonna be at the forefront or anything like that, but i wanna be prepared if it happens, because i'm pissed off and paranoid and kinda crazy. i've stocked up on a few other supplies and tools... i'd like to get started working on a solar water still and perhaps plant some indigenous food-bearing plants at my grandparents' farm in case i need to retreat to there. and i'd like to get some of my friends on board and prepped. i'm thinking about getting a gun, if only because it seems like something that will retain its value if the economy collapses (google "iran oil bourse"). what kind should i get? i originally had just planned to get a rifle or shotgun, but i think maybe i should get a handgun (colt 45? sig? glock?) and/or an AK-47 for reliability. plus, in my state you can have a gun without it being registered or anything. and these things are pretty cool: http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?satitle=flashlight+shake i think i've been listening to the coup too much.
  5. yo, everybody in LA should start rocking umbrellas that say "FUCK THE POLICE" on the top. p.s. it's not like they don't already have satellites that we don't know about watching our girlfriends.
  6. yeah, you can shoot that shit out the air probably. me, i'm getting ready for war. stocking up on supplies and buying a gun..
  7. "most heterosexual"? i didn't realize there was a scale.
  8. i miss busta rhymes being obsessed with the apocalypse. that's all i ever expect from anyone.
  9. you're still at the internet cafe? go home.
  10. i'm on ie at the school computer labs, but i mostly use firefox. i've heard bad things about opera. but maybe i'll try it. i've been having problems with firefox though. sometimes in text boxes it won't let me use the arrow keys and home and end... and won't let me copy and paste anything, at least with keyboard controls. and sometimes it opens without putting my link folders in the toolbar at the top.
  11. anyone watched this yet? i just saw it for the first time today. it's not bad. i laughed a lot, but some of the jokes go on for a while.
  12. i'm on there... but i don't understand what i'm doing and i didn't enter my paypal/cc so i'm flat broke. somebody donate large sums to "Malosi Itamae" i don't know if that's possible. but really, this is probably going to occupy all my time. because real life does suck.
  13. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> well, they'll be able to find more of pi and higher prime numbers (especially as people continue to test their cpus with prime95) and they already found the answer to life, the universe, and everything. computers are interesting and fun. important, probably not. but we've already fucked ourselves as a species so i don't really know what i suggest.
  14. get fat. why don't you just set other shit on fire? like people you hate and churches and police cars? i bet you could get rich starting a cult. for real though, up the dosage and get megafat. food rocks.
  15. there's a couple you can construe from there.
  16. he's okay. he's not very diversely talented... so it's hard to see him and not think "i'm watching ben stiller right now"... but a lot of people are like that.
  17. i'm on your side. primarily because my 1985 buick needs pressure on the brakes about 50 feet ahead of time and my girlfriend drives in quantized bursts of action and inaction.
  18. haven't you ever heard of a "brazilian" wax. i need to go to brazil.
  19. this is why i stay in my basement all year round. in kc it's just humid as fuck all the time so i don't even fuck with it. i only come out at night. pretty soon i'm going to start being mistaken for a white person.
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