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Tyrannosaurus Sex

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Everything posted by Tyrannosaurus Sex

  1. I'm assuming this will just lead to more teenage pregnancies now that they're cool.
  2. Death is mad funny yo. Get a life.
  3. I read about a year ago and just seeing the title of this thread got me creeped out. I think I recommended it in one of the book threads a while back too.
  4. I know a dude that occasionally smokes crack. He posts on here.
  5. KOH FTW. Best Fazz? No patience I loves teh Axelrods,
  6. Get it: http://search.ebay.com/conkers-bad-fur-day_W0QQ_trksidZm37QQfromZR40QQsatitleZconkerQ27sQ20badQ20furQ20day
  7. I think running around with a black book in my bag would be pretty shitty too. And paying for caps would also be be kind of lame.
  8. Live on the Missouri side. Don't go east of Troost at night if you don't like getting shot at.
  9. I'm really hungover. I answer the phone as fast as possible because I don't want to talk to you. I work in higher ed though, which means I deal with idiots that think they're smart.
  10. China is just bitter. Get over it.
  11. Re: DISS THE PERSON ABOVE YOU THREAD I heard you like to turn it on and off.
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