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Everything posted by viperface

  1. Yes With basic computer skills all you really need to actually learn with indesign is the text tool, how to bring/scale/move pictures and the pages system. page numbers on a master. there you go the rest is cosmetic and made for more professional look. I really should make a messy zine in indesign myself
  2. Word... Italy cleand up a lot of their shitty antics for this tournament and get props for that. I like Spain too but if they win the next world cup it's getting old
  3. Interviews etc http://www.skirmishblog.net/2012/06/rob-flynn-interviews-musicians-in.html
  4. that gummi is stuck on the ass, there's no x-ray involved! !!!
  5. Hello Check this out, they're making a documentary about the band, a story well deserved to be told especially today when fuck all nobody blog rappers are considered big deal http://www.google.com/boobs
  6. How is it unrealistic? Being someone who hasn't been in Iraq or any war I still found Hurt Locker somewhat "credible" to a certain point. The Hunter was cool, very weird atmosphere... I saw Was OK.
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