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Reuben Kinkaid

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Everything posted by Reuben Kinkaid

  1. I can't believe you didn't get a hold of ANY of us.
  2. I don't think it's confined to just graffiti writers, I think in general people stop participating in organized sports once they hit their 20's. It's a lot easier to play in a competitive league when you're a kid than when you're older. I played soccer at the top level until I was like 18, and I had one, sometimes 2 games a week, conditioning twice a week, and practice every other day. There's no way older people can do that with jobs, family, etc. I fucked up my knee which is the main reason why I had to stop playing competitively. But I still play recreationally and drop-in whenever I can get a chance. As for whoever said recreational leagues are full of idiots, I agree whole heartedly. I played CO-ED rec league and dealt with more assholes, more fights, more abuse than I ever did playing competitively.
  3. That show is ludicrously blood-boiling.
  4. I wanted to watch this so bad.
  5. Do we get these in Canada? We just got Spicy Tandoori ones. I haven't seen Buffalo. Damn you fat Americans and your delicious junk foods.
  6. This is completely off topic but I only just now discovered who Isaac Brock actually is in real life.
  7. That last one is hilarious.
  8. I think small penii drivers are a universal thing.
  9. I remember asking a girl out at work and being completely shot down. She most likely told everyone in the office about how embarassing it was. Coming in to work everyday after that wasn't awkward at all...
  10. People that don't use their indicator when driving. Thanks for not giving me any sign whatsoever that you're just going to cut in front of me, fuckface. Christ, it takes less than half a second to lower your finger less than an inch. Also the morons who speed in and out of traffic without signalling. I love catching up with them at a red light. That little maneuvre got you real far, hey? Assholes.
  11. You know what will take your mind off it? Drawing. Oh and a weekend on the west coast.
  12. Call of Duty multiplayer owns my soul.
  13. May have to be postponed, I found some work for the weekend.
  14. If you knew where I lived (Lep can back me up on this one), you'd know how easily I could get rid of this stuff.
  15. As some of you may or may not know, or even care, I moved to a new city a few weeks ago. It took almost two weeks for my stuff to arrive, but that's a whole other story. I finally got everything delivered to my new place a few days ago. So as my girlfriend and I are unpacking, sorting out boxes, arranging everything, we stumble upon a box that neither of us remember packing. Since my girlfriend's parent's, who were looking after all our stuff, said that they had put in a few "surprises", we enthusiastically opened up the box, preparing ourselves for the glorious bounty that lay within. What we discovered however, was that this box wasn't sent by her parents, it was actually somebody else's box that had been mistakenly delivered to our apartment. We didn't just have a box of someone else's stuff, we had their box full of gay porn. So naturally, we took pictures of it. General overview of the basic contents. There was more but we had to fit it in to a nice pattern. Included are pamphlets about gay vacations, naked men beer can holders, condoms, and the few DVD's that didn't have super graphic covers (Titles include Will Parker's Gates of Hell, starring Jeff Mitchell and Derek Bishop, Sex Sessions with Chad Williams, and MetroXXX Presents 20 Hours Collector's Series 5 Disc Set). Leather-scented lubricant 3 Piece Gold Rings set. These are to be placed around the testicles. Amsterdam Poppers: "Nitrite inhalants that when inhaled produce intoxicating effects. They are popular in the gay culture because they make the muscles in the anus relax" - Wikipedia You will also notice the religious paraphenalia in the first picture. Seems our guy is a Sunday School teacher. I'm not going to even touch that one. I'd like to point out that I have absolutely no prejudices against gay people whatsover. I just thought it was a funny situation. Cue the "huh huh yeah right, that's YOUR box of gay porn" jokes.
  16. Re: EastBayPirateHouse in Training Day? Not to mention that guy is over 4 feet tall.
  17. This is actually Reuben's girlfriend, but since we don't have internet hooked up on the home computer, I gotta do this from school. But okay.. We put a new video card in our computer (a 'GeForce 6600' if that helps), and now whenever we play a game, the screen gets all jarbled and distorted. I tried installing new drivers, adjusting the screen resolution, and the refresh rate, but I can't get anything to work. It's a PC with Windows XP, if that helps too. anyone that can give me even the slightest idea about what the fuck to do, that would be awesome. The sooner Reuben can stop whining about Call of Duty 2, the better.
  18. I hate peaceful protests. I mean, I understand the point of them, but violent protests and riots hammer the point home so much harder. I want to be in a riot so bad. Props to the youth of Denmark.
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