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Everything posted by metronome

  1. Hazies were the summer flavour and I’m fully on board.
  2. ^ dear god yes please Pep, salami, red bell pepper, mushroom, jalapeño, cracked black pepper, cayenne, chilli flakes. Mishmash of what was left in the fridge.
  3. I find it hard to be angry at people fleeing dire circumstances to try and make life better for themselves and their children.
  4. The two I have on the go at the moment:
  5. metronome


    I love window shopping bikes.
  6. Made it below 80kg for the first time since being in high school I think. IF and cutting out a bunch of beer really did wonders for that. I can't do outdoor riding here, too much snow and no room on the roads etc. Been Zwift riding 6-7 days a week, trying to up my volume so that when the outdoor riding season hits again I'll be in good fitness. Want to see how close I can get to 10,000kms on my bike this year.
  7. I think the USA is only major western democracy that doesn't have a single payer style healthcare system right? We have pretty blanket prescription drug costs in Canada, sure not everything is covered but we aren't saddling people with uncontrollable situations (like MS, diabetes, cancer etc) with crippling debt.
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