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Everything posted by metronome

  1. Re: yeah yeah yeahs (I really love BMX) i found the whole thing. it'll be done in an hour or so.
  2. visine and cologne? what time are you painting at kid? 10pm? edit: I bring... paint caps gloves mask which i put into a backpack. looking inconspicuous is key.
  3. Re: yeah yeah yeahs (I really love DMX) if you do manage to get the whole album you should pm a nigga
  4. metronome

    Ice Man

    who's the iceman? he kind of looks like jon voight
  5. you have jealous hater written all over you wheres your shit up in the NY museum of modern art? or your shit in the west bank? nigga please! banksy is awesome. he has the balls to do shit you wish you thought of first.
  6. Re: yeah yeah yeahs (I really love DMX) i've heard gold lion all over the radio... and i like that sound better than the fever to tell sound it sounds calmed down to me anyone have the full album yet?
  7. i'd rather be in canada than so cal and florida combined
  8. aren't you 17? man... people online are tough these days.
  9. dude is on point. i hate meeting girls at the bar... i hate bar stars period. not girlfriend material, ever.
  10. I can handle this new colour scheme i just don't know about the orange on white
  11. a condo will run you at least 260-320k. thats 3 bedroom tops unfinished basement. a house will run you around 330k to anywhere around a million. no joke. i also live in canada. my parents bought there house for around 175k and its easily worth at least a half mill now if not more. the property prices have risen around 400% within the last 10 years. just sick.
  12. i stick to my theory that being invisible would leave you blind
  13. oh and the human! gold
  14. i liked the pestoe and kaput
  15. i've been johnnyhorton since 2002 i don't know if i can handle seeing ap 2006 next to my posts
  16. i think abc has been in cali too long when he's saying hella imagining hella in an australian accent is just too much... you're killing me dude
  17. if i could be anything for a week? jessica alba's panties. or dildo. or ... boyfriend? fuck i should have said that first...
  18. its not americans its people everytime i see someone eating.. or talking on their cellphone.. thats the worst cellphone drivers don't pay attention to fuck all around them.
  19. I can handle the new 12oz like it'll take that long to get used too... you know... with all the time that gets wasted\spent here
  20. metronome

    ATTN mod

    eh, I think I'll start over... I didn't get my name and pw back either
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