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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. nice new contributions!!! i am so excited.. i bought my first digicam the other day and it is going to arrive today!
  2. this goes in the marker thread.
  3. fermentor told me he had received the ppa a couple weeks ago, at least. maybe four weeks ago. i think he posted in here about that too.
  4. PPA en route to fermentor666 .lookin good. i insured for a hundy. :chicken:
  5. the PPA is getting mailed to fermentor iin a few hours. .finally. :blush:
  6. sorry i haven't kept you guys updated. screen name problems. and then i was away from home a bunch in the past couple weeks. i've got it, i hope that it will be done and sent by this weekend. one of my shots is taken, the pages are moving along nicely. almost finished. where am i getting fermentor's info from?
  7. i'd say heat may be a likely culprit. post office trucks are not insulated, so they won't cost shit, this means that during the winter, they get frozen and during the summer they get cooked. maybe insuring the package gets it handled better and maybe placed on an insulated truck. dunno. but, they obviously pay more attention to the care of the package. i don't think battery powered stuff can't be insured, i was just saying it was restricted. what this means for us, i don't know exactly. they might just want to put an extra sticker on it. they might also say that to get them out of trouble when batteries get ruined in unisured packages. i'll ask my friend whats up with insured packages, what they do or do not go through on the way. aside from all that, we've learned the hard way. so, when i get it and have to pass it on, i will insure it, and let's get that going for the rest on the list as well.
  8. so, it's the film that's dying, or the camera, or both? i don't think xrays could kill a battery. we could have the thing insured as well. at least that way, new film would be replaced. apparently battery powered items are classified as restricted by USPS. technically, we weren't even supposed to send that thing internationally. i dunno. i'll look into it more.
  9. more talk. i can buy new film if i have to. aluminum foil would block the xray, but it might make the package look really suspicious. as much as we'd all like to think our government is on top of things, they are not. the post office is not xraying [all] packages. i can pretty much guarantee this. i know some post office people. it may have happened travelling overseas, but nothing is being xrayed from point AtoB in the continental u.s. wrapping the film and the camera itself (as opposed to the entire box) in foil wouldn't be a bad idea.
  10. !@#$%


    vedddy nice. congrats. i hope you and your woman are well. (it's R2)
  11. this thread is dope. thanks key, for remembering how much i hate brakes :D
  12. i think this is the first time i've looked at this thread http://www.christiania.org/~werner/jpg/bigjoint/joint5.jpg'>
  13. a pirate walks into a bar. the bartender gives him a funny look and says "hey man, what's up with that steering wheel stuck in your pants??" and the pirate says "aaaargh, it's drivin me nuts!" :lol:
  14. !@#$%


    i got two purrrrr http://www.ishop.co.uk/ishop/images/758/nb_CM574CL.JPG'> the other ones are black with pink gyeah.
  15. !@#$%


    i finally fixed up my first bike. it's a chitown Schwinn Mini-Thrasher from about 1981. red with gold thing rules. footbrakes it has a kickstand haha except for the chain and pedals, all original parts. very tiny very awesome.
  16. homeboy is funny as hell. on another note, i too am getting giddy about a couple things... the polaroid being one of them.
  17. i'll be awaiting it's arrival..
  18. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! this is gonna be fun. i'm gonna have to control myself since i've only got 2. hehehehee.. good stuff. edit.. maybe now it's only one. would it be easier if i bought another pack of film?
  19. Rage i'm down and more importantly, i'm capable of doing what needs to be done then passing it the fuck onnn
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