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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. finally saw "the corporation" sometimes you need No-Doz but it's good
  2. oooo let's see your chaps girl hahhahaa jokes, jokes..
  3. check out dem applez! fuckin HA HA!!
  4. she's upset cuz she needs em for work hahaha
  5. yo you should get a pair and wear them around your neck seldoon, sorry mang, don't be sad. *here's a tissue*
  6. i can't believe you are taking this seriously.
  7. werd advancing the pursuit of science and human knowledge doesn't compare to marketing right? whatever you have to tell yourself to go to work in the morning. hahaha advertising is stoopit
  8. doods imo there is something so incredibly disgusting about eating food off another person's body never could get into that shit i think i will stay away from this whole pudding thing **also, marketing is for losers
  9. hahahaha i can do this all day can of spraypaint: $3.50 fat caps $0.05 destroying someone's property: priceless!!
  10. and yet burnt walls smell fuckin fantastic
  11. no way burnt hair smells worse dan all dat yo
  12. uhm, we have had a gazillion of these threads. Amores Perros and City of God are worth the billionth mention Rashomon is a very old, very influential flick Barakais a nice documentary of the world and i saw Million Dollar Baby last night. holy sadness.
  13. i have some weird tan lines from being on the motorcycle
  14. c'mon dude. it's the ineterenerneret! http://www.eurail.com/ http://www.hostelworld.com/ i've done the eurail, not the pass. maybe in some countries buses are better, like spain. don't know where else though. trains in italy are ok. in the netherlands you could prolly just bike it. hostels range in quality and price that will be as cheap as you can get ..unless you can get a job working somewhere that you can also stay, like a hostel or some rich woman's house. and like you said, there's always benches thta's a combination of countries that a eurail pass doesn't really make sense for though. i'd look into flying into london, and maybe out of paris, or another gateway..amsterdam? in between you might wanna fly from destination to destination http://www.europebyair.com/eba/English_us/default.jsp
  15. there are places on the site i never ever venture. i just got my mortgage application fedex'ed to me and omigawd. it's fucking a gazillion billion pages of lawyerspeak with a little realtor splashed in i don't even wanna read it i'm prolly gonna just sign mad shit and send it away then spend a few thousand dollars on a downpayment and exorbitant closing costs since i'm doing an 80/10/10 to avoid mortgage insurance. no points but shit these 5,000 dollars in closings are a fucking bitch!@#!#@!!@!! this shit is kah-ray-zeeee but my new house will be dope. nice big ceilings, a skylight on the second floor claw foot tub and i'm putting an island in my kitchen plus i finally get to hang my stolen 6' rome subway map
  16. seriously rental!! it's like, what the fuck!?! i just ate yesterday, now i'm hungry again!! you eat and eat, and five fuckin hours later, again!!
  17. werd, it's not bad at all. especially since i'm FINALLY getting my FREE ipod. but i like my coworkers, even though my boss is crazy plu si love riding my bike to work and i hate looking for a new job. it's gonna happen, cuz i've been here three years in august and i don't wanna be here four. as an adult, there are two chores that i fucking hate: moving looking for a job
  18. it's still crazy foggy outside my boss is in overdrive and it sucks. he thought i could have the plasmids sequenced and RNA transcribed by tomorrow morning..in time for injecting embryos!! hahahahaaaa he must be fucking joking!! a recruiter sent me an email today i'm wondering if i should get a job at the NIH i'd have to train it to work everyday for an hour, then back but i'd make like 80fuckingK a year! (yep, that's about 3 times what i make now)
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