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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. !@#$%


    oh yeah.. i've been following the tour here.. fucking awesome.. i gotta admit, it's cooler when the winner isn't a 'lock' but lance is the man he's got it be safe people
  2. !@#$%


    Re: damn homey shit. i'm doing a million times better..the face scabs are gone, so it's all good now my tattoos are attracting way more attention;) this year, i've had ten times the injuries that i've had in my entire life.. really, i'm just thankful that i have both front teeth still.. comin home tomorrow, i get to live thursday twice..weird tearz, i'd love to hear from you devilush, zesto, sonik, and smart should all have my email.. or i'll post it up when you're online.. thanks for all the well wishing kids it helped! 5 down, 4 lives to go;)
  3. !@#$%


    hello from bali my goodness. this place is incredible it's raining right now..but so what so the days that i go on vacation are always superhectic..i had a lot of stuff to do before i left...i leave work and i guess i was riding pretty fucking fast..i got cut of, then dude goes to make an immediate turn, but it was blocked by a delivery van, so he slams on his brakes....the lane next to me had a bus in it..right fucking there.. i fly over the handlebars nearly under the wheels of the bus.. it was on ^%&$%# street..which is paved with broken glass..really. the tar they used to make the street has millions of shards of broken glass embedded in it...supposed to help road life or some bullshit. of course it was 100 degrees. i was in a tank top.. so my front tooth went through my lip and i busted my nose open, and i have road rash all over my right arm and leg.. i stood up and immediately started cussing out the driver..there were a bunch of people staring..my front wheel was tacoed..completely the bus driver is hysterical (she thought she hit me) and comes running up, then she grabs my tank top..AND COVERS UP MY BOOB WHICH WAS HANGING OUT fucking YIKES so i'm bloody and shit! i've got a BRUISE on my thigh.. the dude at this restaurant run out with some ice..at least they got a free show. i look good in a bikini, lemme tell you nothing like going to a third world country beaten up to a bloody pulp.. i met a lot of people cuz of these injuries, LOL they're healing up fast but that sucked and dude agreed to buy me a new tire..of course, i'lll believe it when i return home, and it's there.. we'll see damn. my front tooth still hurts it's a good thing i drink a lot of milk and stuff, cuz other wise i bet that shit wouldve popped right out. that is the same tooth that i busted when i was ten, then again at about 21 (on a beer bottle) then again last winter in my car wreck. i'm tellin you, by the time i'm forty, it's gonna be a nub be careful out there kiddies!
  4. !@#$%


    bianchi pista? i love tracks.. and i want a new one anyone tried this one?
  5. !@#$%


    who's going to the world courier championships in september? well? it's in seattle this year anyone ever use one of those bike boxes you can buy off an airline at the airport for like $10 ?
  6. you fucking motherfuckfucker fuckface GOOODDAAMNNNITTT my budddy my buddy wherever he goes iiiiii goooooo my buddy my buddy my buddy and me.. thanks a lot ragsoe i will now go blow my brains out ;)
  7. i could go on about movies.. Empire Strikes Back Superman War Games E.T. and all the rest http://www.atarihq.com/tsr/nes/terminator-b.jpg'>
  8. http://www.hundland.com/posters/s/Starman.jpg'>
  9. aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh...... the days when the celtics were good and men wore hotpants http://www.nba.com/history/images/bird_magic_84finals.jpg'> :nope: :huh2:
  10. http://www.mtv-china.com/avzone/photo/video/4sledgehammer.jpg'>
  11. <<<<<----remimgton steele watcher
  12. we didn't have a television until i was at least six..and in school we also had restricted viewing.. the first cartoons i really got into were the Smurfs and the ORIGINAL Transformers i remember when there were (was) no: (mtv of course) fox network CNN VCR's DVD's world wibe web gulf wars fax machine personal computer CELLULAR PHONES pagers (or only ER doctors had them) GPS smart bombs radar guns and radar detectors and i remember when: girls wore roach clips in their hair with a feather (judas priest fans) RUN-DMC was the biggest rap group EVER an actor was president JAMS were the coolest shorts, or clothing, to own roller skating was a popular weekend activity girls wore leg warmers, jelly bracelets, shoes, jordache, SASSOON, chic etc CHiPs and Dukes of Hazzard was the coolest
  13. yep... i also forgot Sheer Terror, and Cro-Mags..age of quarrel is a classic.. and early Clutch! i've been disappointed with the new stuff, but the Passive Restraints Ep and Transnat'l Speedway are excellent albums.. and Underdog.. ..i loved this album too...... http://www.dischord.com/images/036.jpg'>
  14. why, thank you. the youth are getting restless the youth are getting restless
  15. i could probably live with solely bad brains music perpetually i make decision with precision lost inside this manned collision just to see that what is to be perfectly my fantasy i came to know with now dismay that in this world we all must pay pay to write pay to play pay to cum pay to fight and all in time, with just our minds we soon will find what's left behind not long ago when things were slow we all got by with what we know the end is near hearts filled with fear don't want to listen to what they hear and so it's now we choose to fight to stick up for our bloody right the right to sing, the right to dance the right is ours.... we'll take the chance a peace together a piece apart a piece of wisdom from our hearts. there's just nothin that tops this shit i saw one of their final shows FOURTEEN YEARS AGO now i know i'm old....
  16. these guys kinda defy categorization...but definitely deserve a mention... http://ambassador21.com/images/foto/bad_brains.gif'>
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