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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. the pistons were awesome last night.
  2. !@#$%


    Bike Messengers Take the Street to the Track By COREY KILGANNON Published: June 10, 2005 Need a package rushed across car-clogged Manhattan? Hand it to Alfred Bobe Jr., a 31-year-old bike messenger from Brooklyn. He lays claim to the title of America's fastest messenger on a track bike, the type of high-speed vehicle preferred by some messengers who favor its single fixed gear and lack of brakes. Skip to next paragraph Ashley Gilbertson for the New York Times Bolger is the captain of Team Puma. Mr. Bobe is a member of Team Puma, a cycling team consisting of city bike messengers that, since forming last July, has been dominating many of the messenger races held across New York and the country. "We're taking urban street biking to the track to represent New York and show we have the fastest messengers," said Mr. Bobe, who finished first among all track bikers participating in last month's North American Cycle Courier Championships in Portland, Ore. According to Mr. Bobe, working as a city messenger is the best training for track races, where bikers ride in tight packs. "Messengers have better instincts and reflexes and a lot sharper peripheral vision," he said. "If you're not conscious and in the moment at all times, you can die on someone's car door. That's what separates us from regular racers. We have a different inner core and strength because our messenger work is our training. "We ride wearing a 20-pound lock and a 40-pound bag," he added. "When you finally get to the track and take all that off, you feel explosive, like you have wings or you just took a shot of Red Bull or something." After work on a recent Thursday, Mr. Bobe gathered with five other team members in front of Trackstar, an East First Street bicycle shop that sponsors its own messenger team. The messenger-racers unloaded their heavy chains and large messenger bags. They checked their route sheets from the day's deliveries and traded work stories. The team was formed by Puma after it sponsored weekly races last year at the refurbished Kissena Park Velodrome, a 400-meter cycling track in Flushing, Queens, said Kevin Bolger, the team captain and a veteran racer. Puma officials selected nine cyclists for the team and provided them with expensive racing bikes, uniforms and other apparel. Puma, the athletic footwear and apparel company, also provides its team members with emergency medical insurance for the track and the street, and picks up the tab for them to race around the country. Puma's involvement reflects a recent rise in the popularity of track racing, which team members think will become as prevalent as skateboarding, in-line skating and snowboarding. Along with Mr. Bobe and Mr. Bolger, other team members include Felipe Robayo, Eddie Ortega, Hugo Giron, a master of bike tricks, and Carlos Ramirez, 30, from Brooklyn, who organizes Monster Track, popular races held on bustling Manhattan streets that emphasize messenger skills and allow only track bikes. Then there is Todd Marszalek, 29, a Polish immigrant who is also a well-known graffiti artist, and Massamba Niang of Harlem, 22, a handsome Senegalese immigrant with a flashy smile. Charlotte Blythe, 17, is the only woman on the team. Mr. Bolger, 33, has worked full time as a courier since 1992 and is known by his nickname, Squid. He lives in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, with his wife, Amy, a former bike messenger. He works for several courier services and delivers take-out food in Williamsburg for extra money. "We want people to think more of us than just that guy who ran over their foot," he said. "We also want to improve work conditions, since most messengers are underpaid and get no medical insurance." Mr. Bolger rarely wears a helmet despite having suffered five concussions as a messenger, he said. He has been hospitalized only once, after "dooring," a term for slamming into a quickly opened car door. Most team members work their routes on their custom-made Cannondale team bikes. Each bike weighs 14 pounds and has the Puma emblem and colorful graffiti built into the red glossy finish. Mr. Bolger has attached a hip flask to his bike. "In the winter, you put your Schnapps in there," he explained. So how does one stop a fixed-gear bike barreling 30 miles per hour down crowded, bumpy streets of Midtown Manhattan with no brakes? By sharply locking up on the pedals and applying reverse pressure. Riding a fixed-gear bicycle takes much practice and is a badge of honor for many elite messengers, said Bucky Turco, publisher of Fixed magazine, which is devoted to fixed-gear bikes. Team Puma members frequently invoke the name of Nelson Vails, a New York City messenger who won a silver medal in cycling at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. Last month, at Kissena Park in Queens, several Team Puma members raced against Marty Nothstein, America's most decorated track cyclist and a gold medalist in the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. Puma members came in several seconds behind him. After the race, a winded Mr. Nothstein said he was impressed with the caliber of their riding. "There's a certain ability you get by messengering that you can't get from the road or the track," he said. Last Friday, Mr. Bolger knifed effortlessly through a herd of taxis and trucks, delivering packages and running errands in preparation for the Cycle Messenger World Championships in New York City that will take place over the Independence Day weekend. He was trying to solve a visa problem for the Warsaw Car Killers, a Polish messenger team. Experienced messengers earn about $100 a day, Mr. Bobe said, but a really good one can almost double that by "being fast, knowing your way around the city and having a good dispatcher." Mr. Bobe has worked as a bike messenger for 12 years and supports his two children with his courier earnings, which he supplements with prize money and bonuses from Puma for top finishes. Mr. Bobe hopes to qualify for the Olympics. "I'm one second off the qualifying time for the 200-meter sprints," he said. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/10/nyregion/10bike.html it's squid! haha..
  3. i'm tired. i cduoln't fugire out why utinl i rmembemred i was up tlil two
  4. hell yes. she almost takes the redshirtguy out!
  5. another friday. no one is here, and i'm uploadiing photos. 12cents a print ain't half bad. that house is cool. i don't think i'd wana live in it though. i want a dough nut.
  6. FATALIST.. get the earrings, suggestions .gettogurl. .beyotch. .12ounce.
  7. i LOVE gucci envy. i have to get some more, almost out. my fucking electric razor broke dammit. it looks like it has battery acid issues. my boss will be in italy for the rest of the month starting tomorrow. oh fuck yes. my coauthor is at home waiting for the plumber so i don't have to stay late to submit the paper..he'll have to do it!!! hahahahaaa. and i saw my shit in goddamn ALL NATION volume two today. finally some recognition :)
  8. aaaaaa this is me in a few minutes. my bank account is stacked. i called for my balance today and i've got more in it than i ever have. fuckin shit feels fuckin awesome as fuck. it's almost six pm and i'm about to gooooooo. goo.
  9. fuckyeah. got to paint this weekend after all. sky looks grey like one of my outlines. sorta prurplish. i [still] need to take a trip somewhere.
  10. i'd love to shoot some shit. i bet if it was a big pile, shit would go flying everywhere when the shit got shot. shooting shit with an uzi would be hilarious. but a waste of ammo i guess. anyway, it's friday. the sky is cloudy and they are calling for rain, but i bet it won't happen i hope i can paint this weekend. sometimes i wonder if i should just buy another car. but i hate cars. and they hate me. i'm gonna have a nice bike ride today after i getthe fuck out of this shithole. shot.
  11. !@#$%


    it's awesome. i'll flick it this week. schwinn back when it was still schwinn. no handbrakes, foot brakes. no gears, bo bullshit. red with gold trim
  12. !@#$%


    it's been great here. weather is nice, even though this morning it has been chilly chill it was good riding weather. i've been riding my little bmx minithrasher, it was my first bike ever, i still have it and put it back in working order a year or two ago. so tiny, but so much fun.
  13. i will fuckin annhiliate one of y'all with my piledriver styles :haha:
  14. !@#$%

    Wash DC

  15. hahaha no WAY was i gonna replace that box! hahahaa. wartorn, it needed to persevere. that last polaroid is a nice one.
  16. haha haaaaa.... see, when you yell, people listen, and i know this. i'm not the least bit upset about all this. this PPA thing is about as important as whether i get junk mail today. it's lovely outside. have a good week peeps.
  17. you think that was hostile? NO it was to get you off your ass. if you had bothered to read what i posted brfore bunching up your panties, shit i typed like "have a lovely day," and "not trying to bitch, trying to nag", then you'd know this was mostly for RAGE's benefit, since people like yourself are not on top of things and didn't get the information when you should have. don't blame me for having to get bitchy just to make something happen. you want hostile? go suck yourself cumwad. read and learn: that is being hostile. and once again. thanks rage for bothering with all us. hopefully this will get sewn up before someone gets bitchslapped. better luck with the next one indeed.
  18. i'm just going to really DRIVE this point HOME. hyrax, i know very little of you, don't make what i know about you into that you are a procrastinator who doesn't have a shred of consideration. some of us hurried to do what we could in the time we had. i could have spent three months doing something mind blowing, but i didn't, i wanted to keep it moving. rage has done a great service sending out his personal property like that. let's repay him by sending that thing out this weekend, i don't care what happens. not trying to be an asshole, trying to be a fucking nag who gets you off your ass.
  19. i'd like to politely DEMAND that hyrax mail that shit whether it is finished or not. thanks. have a lovely day.
  20. werd. where is the PPA?! hahaa i think this has taken a year now, and counting....
  21. cheggit those portraits are really nice. i love b&w portraits. the little girls are great..excellent photos and the rice terraces.. so cool. of course, it would be hard i think to take a shitty pic of a rice terrace.
  22. !@#$%


    i'm learning how to ride a motorcycle. very exciting. maybe my first ride will be around then too...
  23. !@#$%


    my beater bike is completely caked in salt on a good note, i have been able to ride in to work every day this winter
  24. stresshead.. those were shot at the aquarium, no flash, very steady hand (no tripod) and caution to avoid any glare in the shot. canon powershot A85.. ..excellent fucking camera! apparently, it does have underwater capabilities (when you get a protective case) as far as customs fees, i do a TON of overseas shipping here at work, the only times i can recall when a person had to pay to RECEIVE a package was when there was INADEQUATE POSTAGE. who knows what happened. maybe the postal service typed in the wrong zip code and misjudged the postage amount. dunno.
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