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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. Bellflower was not what i was expecting, or hoping for, based on the hype in the end it was a decent movie not exactly telling people to rush out and see it
  2. If you are more holistically inclined and your dog has a yeast infection in his ears, you can try white vinegar - a common home remedy for treating dog ear infections. Use heavily diluted vinegar to remove the debris from his ears and to restore the natural balance. Fill his canal and allow it to soak. Massage the base of his ears to ensure total immersion. Wipe out any excess liquid with a cotton swab. Repeat this a few times a week. ...... mix a solution of 1 cup of Water, 2 cups of Vinegar and 1 tablespoon of Rubbing Alcohol. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and squirt it onto the outside of the ear canal once or twice per week and after every swim. You can also use this solution applied with a cotton ball to clean out the inner part of the ear. The alcohol in the mixture will help to dissolve wax, whereas the vinegar creates an acidic environment that will not allow yeast or bacteria to grow in. ...... found that online after a quick search.. i know that humans use alcohol to treat ear infections too, so it might help. basically the acid combats the growth (as it says) and the alcohol dries the bacteria out, hopefully killing it
  3. good luck serum. always tough to deal with shit like that
  4. i've only seen Rollins at shows. he still did plenty of talking i just don't like listening to people talk enough to go to a spoken word performance. ends up seeming like hot air after a while
  5. i signed onto the whole torrent thing and i'm glad i did basically any book or movie i want, i can get for free and pretty quickly. if you have a kindle, just make sure it's a file type that is supported, and i've had no problem with that either. if you want to continue avoiding torrents but still find free books it might be a bit tougher. anyway, i'm pretty stoked on taking another long vacation without having to lug a laptop, books, mp3 player, or phone around. i really wasn't sure how i'd feel about the e-reader, as i never wanted one, someone just gave me one. but this is one arena where it really paid off, in so many ways, to have an open mind. i feel like any illusion i had about the benefits of physicality was swept away almost instantly.
  6. we watched goonies the other night never say die first live concert..bad brains! my first movie in a theater was STAR WARS i was only a baby so the second movie was EMPIRE no wonder my name is what it is
  7. i'm quite sure these have been posted. whatever
  8. ok, tiger. we are not arguing. let me explain this to you: sometimes people have opinions that don't agree. it actually doesn't mean that you are being personally attacked; i feel really bad for you that when someone has a different opinion than you, you feel like you have to rush to type out a defense of yourself. i was merely pointing out MY OPINION that your fear (and you called it that) was irrational, especially in the context of our modern world, where we have had the chance to observe that videogames did not end board games, mp3's and digital music didn't end analog music, and digital media won't destroy analog media.. ...it's an improvement on it. so guess what? you don't have to prove to me what you are entitled to (really, i'd advise that you shouldn't have to prove anything to anyone) ...if you think are environmentally conscious or responsible, great, but who cares.. because i do know that the behavior of one individual usually has no impact on the world at large.. it's the mentality of the masses. if you'd like to pay for shipping, i can send books your way.
  9. my coworker prints out reams of scientific papers and it drives me nuts it's time to get used to reading that crap online, you are killing the environment for the 'feel' of something books will never go away completely, just like vinyl.do you also think mp3's will portend the end of physical copies of music? yeah, right.. that's why we still press music on LP. your fear is an irrational one. the much more likely thing is that our environment will get crushed by our misuse of resources. i got an e-reader, and yes, it takes energy, but hardly any there is also no replacement for the convenience of bringing what would be physically massive books along with oneself on vacation i am also getting really sick of looking at my bookcase, filled to the brim with books and honestly, i'm ready to get rid of most of them. they don't give me satisfaction when i look at them and think "wow, what an experience it was to turn all those pages.. i'll never replace that feeling of paper on my fingers" ....nope, i think back on the stories.
  10. the REPORT button on the bottom of posts should work for letting us know about spam we do respond to the reports. thanks
  11. ^yes, very sad. i try to do work for shelter and abandoned dogs so i really feel for them lots of awesome additions congrats serum.. wow. 2 fucking puppies. i do not envy you. grd i'm sorry your pup is having issues :( we got a new foster. poor guy is now doing much better than you see here, at his vet appt the day before we got him on the road to recovery
  12. i have no picture for this but i remember when there were no malls in my area.
  13. my dad used to call this brand 'jimmy zee' haha also made me think of these, prolly posted a billion pages back anthrax in jams it's simply hammer time
  14. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear preggo porn :yuck: !@#$%
  15. finally went to some comedy this year took my man to see Gaffigan in January and Charlie Murphy the other night Gaffigan was classic. great performance, and i'm sure it helped that it was being taped. we were way in the back and they moved a whole bunch of people from the way back to the front to fill up those expensive seats. we didn't get moved unfortunately but did get to spread out and put our feet up CM was funny. after i'd heard his standup wasn't so great i had low expectations so that may have helped but he definitely had me laughing. even ad libbed some super funny shit to some annoying lady in the audience.
  16. how are hourly pool halls a memory from 20 years ago? :nope: we still got em
  17. actually though, a good documentary also on netflix
  18. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear grd i noticed immediately this guy can't take any jokes he didn't even put tacos as the last thing he ate hahahahaha
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