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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    NOEM good luck. i typed that at first with a typo it said hood luck i guess that's appropo too. !@#$% dear cheezy and fam i decided not to make booties cuz you said your babies feet were long i found a pattern for more like a baby shoe that is for 1 year olds. they are almost done. pretty cute. will post pics and send soon. !@#$%
  2. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear oontz i am finally having a really super slow day at work ch0 isn't nearly as good of a time waster as it once was. but i don't think we can ever go home again.. !@#$% p.s. coach ads? really?
  3. aww grd they are cuties. silba my new adoptee has elbow scars.
  4. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    sm, i think that when the people who really might have been able to contribute to such a thread were around to comment and make said thread, there was still a lot of moderating going on. and some of those mods didn't like herbs at all, and they made sure we never even had one that was under the radar. then things got a little corporate. so that's why there are actual lines and such. sowwy. this is the internet though, that info can't possibly be too hard to find. i'd be shocked if there isn't a high times or norml forum. !@#$%
  5. i have a checkbook. do not balance it. i just check in online all the time. seems fine.
  6. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear cali hope you had a good day mine passed recently and ooooff. can't believe how much time is passing. can't complain though. and i'll be off to greece soon so, yay. !@#$% dear sm glad to hear things are going well. tough times i'm sure but sounds like it'll be fine good for you :) !@#$%
  7. can't wait for samsara i loved baraka
  8. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dearest chritseeazy so sweet!! PM your address if you'd like some handmade crochet booties. best wishes to you !@#$% dear smdouble i think you wrote your email addy wrong !@#$%
  9. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! dee i don't know how i missed this but he looks like a jack russel spunky, fun, saucy dogs with lots of personality and a good dose of energy love love love to chase small animals
  10. best of luck fist. sounds like you care a lot so i'd bet you can fix this. channel the dog whisperer serum you are right on with that i love my vet and we are so lucky to have him. i've brought him a lot of business. we send him and his staff holiday cards. he saved my sweetie's life and it was only 800 (emergency surgery, x-rays, IV, meds and hospital stay, plus free follow up) thanks ruso, hopefully i'll never need that hydrogen peroxide is amazing, gets blood out (as long as you don't treat it first with somethin else)
  11. ^word. good advice i was watching a dog trainer the other day, they were using deli meats to break a dog of it's habit of going insane when it's owners got near a door. very true that regular dog treats aren't going to overpower the fear/anxiety naturally this also required two people.
  12. ugh. that sucks for her and you i guess talk to her vet, and think desensitization, repeated exposure with calm reinforcement i dunno if that will help how is she with a crate? that might help. i hate to say it but maybe something traumatic happened during the spay? that is pretty severe. and the last resort, you can drug her. if you know people are coming over, give her some melatonin. it's herbal, and it might really help a lot when we go on vacation my dog sitter gives my pup melatonin and it really helps her with the separation the stronger drug you can try to calm her is benadryl. then there are anti-anxieties she could be prescribed if you cannot train her out of it with assistance from melatonin.
  13. the thing about dogs though, they can be trained. take her for some classes if it's that bad. i've gotten several rescue foster dogs, plus my own dogs spayed and nothing has happened. at all. i know some trainers if you want some advice. and this stuff.. http://www.nativeremedies.com/petalive/products/petcalm-nervous-dogs-cats.html
  14. you need to get that dog spayed it doesn't change them considering all the goddamn rescue work i do, all work others are desperately trying to do, the needy dogs i see, it is incredibly selfish and lame of people not to neuter and spay their dogs imo.. and see, my neighbor wouldn't neuter his dog, said he wasn't planning on breeding him. yet whose fucking dog gets another pregnant one day? it only took about 1 second. /end rant this is my newest dog, a shelter pet of course.
  15. finishing up at work my man thinks he may have left his sandwich press on seems like as fine excuse to leave early to me!
  16. thanks very much for that. did you paint trains or streets? do you remember about how much you spent?
  17. hmm, LUGR my post seems to have disappeared i paid about 750. after watching fares for about a decade, no shit. they are always around 1250 except since the crisis. even this winter they are back up around 1k. you can still find some in the 8 hundos. there are a few pics of favelas from a distance in my sudamerica photothread. but i did not venture into any favelas per se. we were only there for a few days. ....... reykjavik is a cool place. dunno if there is a must see site there or in frankfurter... never been actually.. for some reason germany doesn't pull me in. it is a nice country tho
  18. oh no! that's a bummer. i'd never stop looking if my girls bailed.
  19. i'm going because plane tickets are actually affordable, because the place is in crisis as soon as they're on their feet again, plane tickets will go up 50% hence, the trip now. i'm staying 3 different places. i know there is more crime there now, but coming from such a dangerous city i'll be fine i was just in brazil, the place did not come close to living up to it's shady rep.. people that come from nice places are more sketched by drug addicts and prostitutes than someone who thinks of that stuff as normal for any city. i also read up a lot from people who'd been recently on tripadvisor. while some people mentioned a mugging, no one was describing what your friends were, like not being able to go out after dark.. i think they were in a horrible area or maybe just scared.
  20. ^nice. might be getting a chihuahua tomorrow.
  21. Athens advice? going in a month or so... anyone been to India? favorite places? how about China? Patagonia? thinking these are all in the pipeline....
  22. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear SM best wishes to you. interesting shit you've got going on ..kinda like parallelism had i made different choices. very cool. you prolly won't pass me but i'll try to hit you up. !@#$%
  23. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    hey there ssp power post away !@#$%
  24. !@#$%


    dunno i have nonspecific joint pain that sometimes would cause a lot of distress while riding a bicycle it arose out of nowhere and got worse and worse over time. after about 4 years of careful research, i determined it was due to a milk allergy i know this probably doesn't apply to your situation.
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