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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. !@#$%


    goddamn. RIP. minus and JDI good luck on your recovery i once broke 7 ribs and a collarbone after being hit by a car. pretty tough to describe the pain one feels while laughing, sneezing, trying to take a shit, or doing virtually anything stay safe peoples.
  2. that's just the publishing house marketing them
  3. thinking about how i rang the new year in. i was at home in bed but it was pretty awesome. hoping my good days continue. good luck injury
  4. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear 2013 be super good to me !@#$%
  5. i smoked too much over the past couple weeks my lungs are heaving work is good today came in super late leaving early.
  6. homemade soy chai latte. bigdoughnut i hope you're right. 2012 was ups and downs all over the place for me. it would be nice to have a consistently nice year.. for once. happy new year all.
  7. the french know how to put disturbing violence on screen and i think i'm done with it. done.
  8. museo del prado is awesome spain is pretty great. eat tapas. in madrid it's usually a couple free with each beer but not so much in barcelona. sightseeing in barcelona is worth it.. the gaudi stuff, sagrada familia, etc. nice city. if you are into art it's worth a visit to Museo Reina Sofía to see Guernica. BOATS is on point with the warning. it's the only city where people they usually call 'gypsies' managed to get over on me, and my buddies- got my friend's bag while another scammer had us distracted. but we are vigilant, saw the robbery happening, my friend chased the dude down (dude tossed the bag) and got punched the fuck out by my friend, who recovered his bag. it all happened REALLY fast though. so be watchful. in amsterdam as well as van gogh i liked the Rijksmuseum a lot too, but i enjoy museums. there was some cool old knight stuff in there as well. amsterdam is such a great city. hard not to have a good time there and so easy to just walk around. i think shrooms are illegal there now BOATS. not totally sure but i think that's over. plenty of hash though. enjoy that. i think you can get fuckin amazing weed anywhere in the US or canada now. maybe australia too.. anyway, as for drugs the hash is amazing in masterdamned and worth it imo
  9. back from groceries also drinking tea. smoke time. maybe chocolate.
  10. about to start this this isn't usually my kinda book but hoping for a little affirmation as i've only become more and more withdrawn as i get older.
  11. condolences, respect. ... a writer's writer. RIP
  12. thinking about how i can kill 3 hours. or 3 people yuckyuckyuck
  13. thinking about how much i love my dogs and how glad i am i don't have children.
  14. was her fur super soft? my foster catahoula had wonderfully soft fur. anyway good luck if you do get her. as you prolly know rescues are the BEST.
  15. this thread doesn't disappoint.
  16. i fostered one and he was so sweet and loving he would mush his face right into yours, even while you were talking.. it was effin hilarious i've never seen a dog so people crazy no clue if that was unique to the dog or a breed thing
  17. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear christeezy the baby shoes are finished answer your email :D !@#$%
  18. visioneers. dunno, unique so it gets points, but kinda boring too. i finally watched cabin in the woods and loved it.
  19. word Realism. for me though, not having children has allowed every fucking door in the universe to remain open. i've managed to live life completely on my own terms, and you're right, since i did it all with a solid financial background i never got into trouble i couldn't get out of. kinda looking to the future though, and that advanced degree will allow me to go overseas and get a job and not be a bum. prolly the final goal. and yay. lots of books in my future
  20. thank you, and no.. though i could lie about it cuz i have over 20 peer reviewed publications and a couple are first author, i have not yet done grad school. looks like i'll be taking the first class this spring. and thanks for the proppers peeps.
  21. must spread rep before approving of cali's recommendation. FFN is great i quit eating the only fast food i still ate (french fries.) in 2004 after i finished it. never looked back. our system of agriculture may well be the end of us. at the moment i'm not reading much as i just finished doing GRE prep and taking it. this oontzer got a 161 and a 157. (out of 170) waiting to get my grade for the essays.
  22. too much god for me in life of pi
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