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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. BOATS Copenhagen is a great city. i loved it. i also visited Europe there.. PM him. keeping cash hidden isn't entirely critical. ..unless you are carrying tons of it, which i think is a bad idea anyway. don't be flashy. that is just dumb, anywhere carry a photocopy of your passport and keep it somewhere away from your passport, so if you lost the passport you have a copy to take to the embassy. if you have that attitude about travelling light, that's great. maintain that and you'll be set. and not only clothes, but you'lll be able to buy virtually anything you need if you can pay for it just fyi: racking might be a good option sometimes, but not everywhere is easy to steal from, and in some places it's considered very serious. 1) overseas, burners aren't popular because they use SIM cards. read up on them, then feel stupid they aren't widely used in the US. if you plan on travelling a lot, go with a carrier like TMobile that sells phones with SIM changing capabilities, then when you are overseas just get a SIM card. 2) think TRAVEL HUB when thinking where to fly into, you can take a train or bus out of many places. south america, think Rio, Sao Paulo or BA (only buses in south america, but they are nice.) europe, think London or Paris asia, try Hong Kong. lotsa cool places in asia are islands, or like a burma accesible by air only 3) spend time on flickr to find the cities with the most graf. it's common knowledge that Paris and Rome have lots of graffiti, and Germany might have the most trains getting done. i don't know much about their buff. Bucharest's trains are disgusting they are so covered with shit 4) who knows how long money might last. since i don't drink, and my man is capable in getting things, we don't spend tons of money. i've known people who biked through europe, lived off bread and the kindness of strangers, and slept in parks. they probably could make 3 grand last a lifetime. but they didn't waste a cent and bought virtually nothing.
  2. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear universe, thanks for the coincidence !@#$%
  3. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear schnitz AWWWWWWW. good luck! !@#$% dear VegHaggis glad you like it i'm enjoying veganism. tell ya what, someone found out how old i was the other day and straight would not believe it i attribute it partly to vegetarianism. many rewards and of course, pat yourself on the back, cuz vegetarians do more to help the environment than any other lifestyle change !@#$%
  4. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear schnitz, your girl pop yet? congrats poppa !@#$%
  5. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! awww. good work.
  6. *medcab, we watched that this weekend. haha working. is it really 3:16? monday flew by with the sweetness.
  7. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear eviltrailer some changes only in the past few weeks welcome back !@#$%
  8. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear 4 dogs you are all adorable and i love you but wow that's a bit of work. !@#$%
  9. i got a blender a buncha frozen fruit from costco and smoothie time.
  10. homemade vegan peanut butter chocolate covered eggs
  11. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear SM that sounds like a good idea for me too i just have never tried to take that step might have to think about it !@#$% dear decyfer those crappy cliches nice guys finish last girls love assholes are actually kinda true blame it on our culture of exploitation or just bad biology. dunno i know you're a great dad.. maybe you'll get lucky and find a cool mom? !@#$%
  12. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear deadbeat dads you are the scum of the earth how do you manage to land good ladies? !@#$% dear life not having kids was the right choice no doubt and no regret !@#$%
  13. ignoring my upcoming test my chihuahua is doing stretches on my leg
  14. one of the better voicemail transcripts i've gotten in awhile: Call me. Yeah, cajun sailors. I. I'm in bought tomorrow, waiting eyes. Email Tuesday address and everything on my mom's address on here til one, but they're here until you arrive. Cheese. You know that you'll be by to pick them up today or whenever so. Give me a call (xx1) xx2-3xxx OR, and call me. Thank you. Have a nice day. What hello.
  15. word. i'm going to dubai, bangkok, angkor wat, battambang and hong kong. i will not be trying for gold bars. or hookers.
  16. porn spambots on easter mornin it's what's for oontz
  17. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear inj i've caught charges, with my degree, with my serious job it's a very fine line to walk especially when shit gets very real and you own a house and crap like that. you just have to weigh the risks carefully and build a financial safety net but you can keep doing both, for as long as you can take it retain a very good lawyer who says they will get you cleared good luck !@#$%
  18. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear massive luggage and roller bags go die a painful death i hate what you've done to airport escalators !@#$% dear cali i travel like a feather 31 countries and i don't own any luggage. at all. i carry a messenger bag. ghetto but it works. !@#$%
  19. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dearest SM wouldn't that be insane, if we all went on that trip? i'm into it. pics will happen !@#$%
  20. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear cali do you fit in a carry on? ;) !@#$%
  21. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    Dear Dubai & Bangkok & Angkor Wat & Hong Kong it is fucking ON babies!!! !@#$%
  22. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear peoples this is life as a manic depressive. feeling better today thanks guys. xo !@#$% geez i almost signed that with my govt name i lots my brain
  23. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear life i am completely over giving any sort of a fuck !@#$%
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