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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. reminds me of strawberry shortcake which reminded me of care bears
  2. holee fuck there's some gold on this page
  3. i read that styrofoam makes up 1/3 of landfill waste 80's memory: no one knew what climate change was no one argued that a big guy in the sky made us, and it should be taught in schools.
  4. i love the Frontlines on this stuff, if you haven't seen them http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/madoff/ especially liked http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/warning/ i haven't read it yet but Too Big To Fail was well reviewed. as is The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine
  5. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear beach vacation you were good for a recharge !@#$% dear ***** you sure know how to complain relying on another person for everything is going to set you up for failure every time live and learn prolly not going down that road again so i hope you don't bring it up !@#$%
  6. 100 years of solitude and norwegian wood were books i really enjoyed awesome to get a sense of the japanese culture at that time as well. just finished really liked the non-linear story the way you find out how things eventually end up the commentary on how time affects things .. what time does to people now
  7. thanks internerd for reminding me good post with the scratch and sniff stickers but, McLovin, Spawn? that shit hit it's stride a bit later i thought. oh well. i guess i'm old
  8. when my dad gave this to the neighbor's kid without asking, when i was about 14, i was about ready to murder a mofo. i loved this toy, possibly more than any other in my entire life when toys were metal, and had working fucking hydraulics.
  9. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear banana i wish i'd saved the forum's creations from the R Kelly sextape they involved domokuns i will offer this up instead !@#$%
  10. i was more a lincoln girl myself prolly already posted, fuck it
  11. Amores Perros is easily one of my top ten films. City of God is excellent as well. watched Inside Man the other night. twas ok.
  12. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear bfish i sometimes think all the guests are spambots it's been like that for quite awhile, not just since some of these 'upgrades' now, the 'upgrade' has made the list of active users on the index page ridiculously fucking long, and totally inaccurate. buggy as dung. !@#$% dear dears how long? dunno !@#$%
  13. ^fuck yeah.. the 80's really brought shitty food to new heights
  14. before hashtags and smilie faces C: ### :haha:
  15. no trolling don't promo beef thanks for your cooperation
  16. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear free tickets THAT is fucking cool now please arrive safely so i can get excited about this expensive event that i don't have to pay for! love symbolicious DEAR CIL/SK post it up i too am ambivalent about starting a crafting type thread about crochet and sewing, because y'all are a bunch of dudes. but that woodworking shit would be money. i love that stuff and i know lots of others would. we could use some nice threads in untitled that are not about photos. !@#$%
  17. virgin is good. i've heard that columbia is fucking amazing. i keep seeing it on 'hot travel spots to watch' type lists. i wouldn't worry too much about crime if you are aware of your surroundings. you pegged yourself as a gringo so i get the feeling you'll know what, and what not to do. there is not much street violence in columbia that i'm aware of.. it is the spot for kidnappings as you mention but you'll probably be fine .... July 22, 2011 The Department of State warns U.S. citizens of the dangers of travel to Colombia. Security in Colombia has improved significantly in recent years, including in tourist and business travel destinations like Cartagena and Bogota, but violence by narco-terrorist groups continues to affect some rural areas and large cities. This updates and replaces the Travel Warning for Colombia issued November 10, 2010 to update information on recent security incidents and terrorist activity. Terrorist activity remains a threat throughout the country. On August 12, 2010, a car bomb exploded outside the Caracol radio station in Bogota, injuring seven people. On October 21, 2010, Colombian authorities foiled another car bomb attack directed at the National Administrative Center in Bogota. On June 16, 2011, a satchel bomb exploded at a local monument in uptown Bogota, resulting in some damage to adjoining buildings, but no fatalities or injuries. Small towns and rural areas of Colombia can still be extremely dangerous due to the presence of narco-terrorists. While the Embassy possesses no information concerning specific and credible threats against U.S. citizens in Colombia, we strongly encourage you to exercise caution and remain vigilant. The incidence of kidnapping in Colombia has diminished significantly from its peak at the beginning of this decade. .... http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_5531.html the US state dept is a surprisingly good, and frank resource for this shit they are not your mother; they will not say DO NOT GO, they'll just tell you the information you need. you should see the advisory for Jamaica haha ...... i haven't been to morocco either but a good buddy of mine went. he was a little disconcerted by being such an ethnic minority. that shit doesn't bug me at all though seems like a beautiful place, i'd like to get there eventually. we went to egypt a few years ago, absolutely loved it. .... I'll be in Montego Bay at the end of the month. advice? holla atcha mod
  18. !@#$%


    i remember getting into a loud, ridiculous shouting match with my uncle about the root causes of terrorism after thanksgiving about 12 years ago.. that shit was completely unnecessary and i got into a crazy bike wreck on the way home. i do not miss holidays with alcohol even a little bit. i had a bottle of wine collecting dust in my kitchen and gave it to my bff who is trying to stay off the pot while looking for a new job. one thing about not drinking, it meant my days of going to the bar came to an ubrupt and complete end i could handle bars without alcohol, other people could not handle me not drinking "what's wrong???? oh come on! something must be the matter, you aren't pouring rum down your throat!" "why aren't you drinking?!?!??" "just have ONE, here i bought it for you!" "someone left this drink with your name on it" seriously assholes, thanks but NO THANKS
  19. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear new year bring something different, and good for the world, or hell, just this little corner of it instead of more of the same old bullshit !@#$%
  20. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear mom holidays aren't the same without you !@#$% dear socks the cat hopefully you're alive and well and on your way home !@#$%
  21. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    hey darlin! I remember you wanted kids so CONGRATS! i'd love to make you some booties. but you will have to send me an address :heartbeat: !@#$%
  22. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    anything goes my bags were scanned on a princess cruise when we got back on the boat the shit generally sucked i had no issue whatsoever bringing weed and smoking it but when we docked there were clearly drug dogs going through the bags. as far as i remember, you could bring anything to drink on the boat when you got on, but that was it, no more after that. i saw tons of people with cases of soda, because soda is NOT free on many cruises. I'd check with people who have actually been on the cruise line you've been on, maybe on a cruise forum or tripadvisor.. i'd bet it would be worth the hour or so you'll waste on it !@#$%
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