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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA hmm, when i said out west i wasn't only referring to california and i am speaking from experiences of my own and that of many friends/family you shoulda heard em when they got me in nevada apparently my car touched the lane line mark too many times within one mile riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight and no, i'm definitely not that type of guy, or girl.
  2. !@#$%

    831 cali

    hey peeps better not call anyone out for being a dumb white boy in here or else i'll get a PM about 'dry snitching' i guess in Cali, pointing out someone's race is really putting them in serious danger. :nope: people thinking they are america's most wanted make me laugh sadly if this crap keeps up the thread will get closed again, let's just keep the chit chat to a minimum so i don't have to sift through ten pages of commentary to locate the words 'white boy'
  3. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear Rick Santorum you're a bigot and you got what you asked for. here's another incoming link to support the campaign against hatred http://spreadingsantorum.com/ hahaha go santorum yourself !@#$%
  4. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA really nice work in joplin. post-disaster work can be a life changing experience. safe journey watch out for the popo out west it's like out of state plates get you pulled over, end of story.
  5. ink face, it's funny you posted pumps i went and looked for the pumps because that song 'pumped up kicks' always reminds me of pumps i've also become one of those adults that "has clothes/shoes older than you" and yes.. Griffin i still have a bottle of black and a bottle of white sad the chil'ren won't have shit on that either. i made quite a mess with those applicators
  6. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear micah *bear. i won't be baring anything on here. you can go ahead and bare if you wanna !@#$%
  7. !@#$%


    i am naturally anxious and unlike a lot of people, pot helps relieve it. alcohol never did that my brain is weird though. cocaine doesn't do shit to me for example and ecstasy makes me sad. alcohol just lowered my inhibitions to a dangerous level, as a naturally self-destructive person getting drunk is like a perfect storm of personal disaster
  8. haha, a friend is kids' sized and she likes the colors. must really suck for shit like heels i'm sure. i haven't been buying shit lately. but, we're goin to istanbul and cross-europe on a train
  9. !@#$%


    yeah, i feel like if my connections dried up i'd just stop rather than freaking out (which i definitely would have done even a couple years ago..) now it's almost more out of habit than anything i'm also getting sick and tired of relying on something i love that feeling of being totally in control and independent, and now that i'm doing well and with no real responsibility (like kids) besides a job (which i have to have to stay sane anyway) and a mortgage (which was actually way less commitment than i was expecting) i'm ready to spend my money on some awesome shit like the trans-siberian railway i'm just growing out of it, like i did all that shit. the hard drugs were always too fucking hard anyway, i'm not into living life in a fog anymore. i wanted that numbness at one time though, and alcohol is so dangerous and detrimental to those who love it because it's so readily available and i feel that unlike a drug like pot (which will just put you to sleep after awhile) ..alcohol will get you more and more wasted the more you do. for me that makes it a 'hard' drug. it's just funny to me most people don't really see it like that
  10. !@#$%


    talk about living in a delusion of superiority once in awhile i'll think about drinking.. not exactly like really wanting a drink, but it's always when i'm having a horrible day, and i can make that connection so simply that i just don't do it. it was made a lot easier by the fact that i lived with an alcoholic who destroyed his future...watching that person that i loved spiral downward like that turned me off of alcohol, and cigarettes... he was a chain smoker. i did continue to drink after our relationship imploded, but instead of drinking most days it became super heavy drinking on more infrequent occasions. i had a really bad night one time when i was around 27 or 28, ended up in the ER courtesy of the cops.. so after about a decade of hard drinking (rum was my fave) that sealed the deal.. i knew i'd found the bottom of the bottle, and it wasn't hard at all to just stop.. i have no lingering desire to drink. all that said... i used to use heroin, stopping that was easy too. but i do smoke pot still, i'm not sober. it has gotten much easier to be sober though, i'm no longer in distress if i don't have weeds 24/7
  11. !@#$%


    i have had so much experience with alcoholics.. i am one. i just woke up in a hospital one day and put the drink down, end of my story. i've also been around many addicts. i could fill a book with stories. seriously, that's awesome and good for you. it seems to be the exception though, not the rule.. the desire always has to come from within, in my experience.. but once that desire begins and grows, not much stands in its way
  12. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear person *piqued not peeked !@#$%
  13. !@#$%


    so.. apparently the effects of alcohol have a long-lasting, possibly permanent, detrimental effect on the brain, especially stuff like coordination http://news.yahoo.com/heavy-drinking-may-leave-tipsy-years-172602315.html ..... 12 step programs give people superiority complexes.. as though one deserves some kinda fucking special treatment for getting addicted and getting sober. get over yourself drinky.
  14. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear grd some say that's good luck !@#$%
  15. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA been to all 50 states still not goin for squirrel keep the flicks comin
  16. on flickr you have to scroll through the coding, or view source, locate the URL for the pic (it'll have a .jpg at the end) then post in between
  17. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear LUGR i'm with that, esp when there's bucharest, budapest and paris to consider !@#$% dear decyfer good luck on monday homie !@#$%
  18. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear redeye i continued my graffin career, and sadly, my drinking, throughout pursuing my biochem & molecular bio degree. it was hard.. i also worked full time so i didn't have to take out loans. i'm pretty happy with how it all turned out.. only thing i'd do differently is not drink so much. ten years later i have a fantastic career, and i still paint avidly though i don't really do street shit anymore, and i don't care about it... i think i just grew out of it. i have passed on stuff friends have done out of concern for what it could do to my job.. that can also be difficult but sometimes one does have to do the responsible thing...[if that's the right path for you] long story long, you can do both but it requires a lot of energy and stamina and careful consideration of risk v reward. having a job doing what you love is so essential to living life though, that if you have to quit a hobby to get the job that will satisfy you, then i say just put it on the back burner, sacrifice now too and you have more free time to play later. !@#$% dear LUGR i'll have a look when i get there. but the place is no joke.. you get done, prepare to spend a lot of time in a small cell with no food or water, 1 shitty toilet and 30 other people. possibly get tortured. cannot fucking get done there. unthinkable. !@#$
  19. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear GBM i was thinking of starting a thread for shit that restores one's faith in humanity bc if i have to look at that stoopit complex vid every time i come on here, i'ma punch mufuckas !@#$%
  20. attn: for the thread's sake: if a troll is posting, do not respond. if you can't control yourself, DO NOT QUOTE THE TROLL. thanks. otherwise, when i delete all the posts, i have to sift through the fucking thread looking for where the bullshit was quoted. thank you
  21. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear anyone who wants to see a group of people lift a burning car off of a man http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/09/13/utah.motorcycle.crash/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 wow !@#$%
  22. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear turkish prisons don't think the risk is worth it plus we have other shit lined up you may have won.. this round !@#$% dear you nice job. the years are piling on the body is getting tired yet you still managed to do it to it and get up for work !@#$% ps don't forget to mail that stuff
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