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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    abcs, i would ask the references if that's ok to do that i think usually it's understood that you are asking for A reference for A purpose, not some amorphous and unending show of support. the people who wrote them probably would not mind being asked to do it again my old boss would have people write them and he would sign them. haha i would NOT send a copy. in the world of digital manipulation, you should send the original sometimes they will even ask the sender to seal it so you can't see it, so don't give them any reason to suspect you tampered with it if you want to keep copies for yourself, do that. and what you can do, is list those people as references on your resume or CV ..then someone can just call them. i think you are also ok to assume, if they wrote you a reference, you can list them as one !@#$%
  2. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    ^what is interesting to me about that, is that the 'pretty happy' category is much the same percentage the differences are really borne out on the extremes.. super happy, very wealthy people.. and very unhappy, very poor people.. which seems logical enough my broader point is that the survey seems to suggest that wealth doesn't do much until you get to the bottom, or the top. those of us in the middle are probably better off picking a job we like, because a difference of even 10-20k won't likely make much difference ..the fewest suicides do occur in poor countries, though this is at least partly due to the fact that people are too focused on surviving to get angstful .. also due to strong ties with family and community
  3. sweet! thanks for that! just to reiterate; we are vegetarians who LOVE photography, will walk almost anywhere, we are on limited time and travelling by train
  4. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    decyfer.. you gotta get a job you enjoy.. no way around working. i know we've discussed it before but i'm just going to say it again: a miserable job makes a person miserable and affects every facet of their life. get out now.. stop wasting time. a happier you, even a poorer you, will make a happier family. ever see the stats that show that poor people don't commit suicide nearly as often as rich people? !@#$%
  5. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear Anonymous sept5 i'll be watching !@#$%
  6. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear broke students needing textbooks you can also rent them now !@#$%
  7. Re: ************where is the tattoo thread? i saw that jeff gogue post, really like that stuff! anyway, yeah peeps. i hope you like change.
  8. thanks fred. i will definitely consider the hamam massage.. i don't know, a little wary of it but we'll see. istanbul has such a great rep.. i wanna find some good food though. vienna has gotten so many raves from people i know i think we kidna have to go.. plus i heard it's an easy one 'to do' so we'll be checking that out. i'll read up on hikes near bucharest, i think we have a forced O/N there due to the train schedules..
  9. yeah, we'll probably be stopping for extracurriculars. who knows though. we're not buying train tickets until we get there. if at any point we get too far behind we'll fly ahead
  10. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear people who won't speed up to merge on the highway, you're not doing it right !@#$%
  11. naw, unfortunately there won't be any side trips. we're flying into istanbul and MUST be in london 11 days later to fly home we jam our vacations up so hardt, i need a vacation from my vacation. seriously, i think we'll be focused on city centers and trains. prolly shoulda said that first. thanks for the tips on munich BOATS.. i don't drink though. i smoke herb and all the talk of the castle made me look it up on teh flickrs ..and as i was doing that, i realized i saw rick steves talking about this place last week on pbs looks awesome. somedaaaayy
  12. yup, bought the tickets if anyone has must-see-places for any of the following destinations, or good places to eat for vegetarians, lemme know. we'll be in each city a day or two Istanbul Bucharest Budapest Munich Vienna Paris London (well, i won't need advice about london or paris..)
  13. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    ^word.. i was all about older dudes til i got in my late twenties
  14. we might be able to open the thread again if the bullshit dies down please, DO NOT start another thread. THIS is the NC thread, and it needed a little break. thanks. for those complaining, it was necessary for those happy, word.. and unfortunately it'll probably get opened again. please PM me or use the REPORT button when the bullshit pops off. THANKS!
  15. Re: ************where is the tattoo thread? jaserone :haha:
  16. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear tickets i bought you yup !@#$%
  17. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    oh yeah.. word to that decyfer, i hope it goes well
  18. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear old music look in my eyes what do you see the cult of personality lub that shizz !@#$%
  19. Re: ************where is the tattoo thread? tattoo threads are apparently not forever
  20. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    hi steez. death has affected me in many ways the hardest was my mom my dad doesn't think it gets any easier over time, but seeing how he's changed i think the impact and effect can be lasting but it does diminish. i didn't bawl on mother's day this year but it's still the worst day of the year for me. i've tried to come around to that way of thinking: that death is part of the natural progression, that life can be joyful and amazing but it also full of suffering and difficulties that seem endless.. memento mori yknow? do what you can to the best of your abilities and keep your head above water it'll come for all of us one day !@#$% you, why is the energy level still so low? maybe i gotta get acupuncture again don't waste the energy you do have on stuff you know will be fruitless get a little more selfish be a little more self-serving.. !@#$%
  21. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! absolutely. my dogs and my rescue work seriously cramps my style but i love em so i gotta. i've also often repeated what i once heard from a shelter: 8-10 hours in a crate while the owner is at work is worlds better than 24/7 in a shelter til death my facebook feed is nothing but needy dogs so don't mind me, i'm only trying to help them of course i understand everyone has their limits.
  22. foster. it's great because when it gets super overwhelming, kick into overdrive finding them a home. same with puppies fuck dealing with them, just foster a few for a couple weeks
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