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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. i love that Randy Rhodes' name is spelled wrong. crackhead up there is pretty muneee. Pat is just scurree
  2. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    rolf casey anthony is some chick we have a thread for now, if you want moar details. really just another failure of the injustice system i saw her on BBC though so it might have made the news round your way as well by now !@#$%
  3. trap, this pool was so dirty shit sinks to the bottom :haha:
  4. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear casey anthony does your trial illustrate how dumb people are how fucked our justice system is how easy it is to get away with murder or all of the above? dunno, but you're the world's biggest cunt and i hope your daughter haunts you forever !@#$%
  5. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear cags, word, very relaxing. i slept for 10 hours last night haha.. too much weed i think. i STILL am flabbergasted by this guy's actions. as a world traveler myself, i cannot fathom going to paris or even krakow and spending my entire time there in a room. why bother to come all this way to do some online shopping?! we're on the freakin east coast too, there is literally no reason this fool couldn't go anywhere from miami to maine to montreal. :confused: plus he's just fucking up my ability to enjoy my home. well JC, maybe your buds saved a life. nice. but no one should think about ending it because of some man probs though sheesh !@#$%
  6. that pool story made international news. 15 minutes babies, enjoy it http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13986769 One regular swimmer, Louie Cahill, told ABC: "The pool is 12ft deep. You cannot see anybody in the bottom of that pool." (apparently the pool is filled with tar?)
  7. i have no idea about humboldt but if anyone is passing through Wyoming and can check out Devil's Tower, do it.
  8. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear cags sounds awesome! my weekend was nowhere near that exciting but hey, for me these days that's good. just some painting, dog time.. chillin. and really, ready for this houseguest to find something better to do than sit in my guest room and prevent me from working on my sewing projects. !@#$% dear houseguest, you seem to have a fucking ton of money, and you've been online shopping. why do you just stay in this city all the time? and do nothing/go nowhere except occasionally, the grocery store or local bar?? we're close to a lot of shit, a lot of cities, lots of transportation options what happened to your 4 days in nyc? why not go to chicago by yourself? how bout rent a car and drive it anywhere? you flew all the way to the states from oz, to watch southpark on your computer in my extra bedroom?? !@#$%
  9. a man in palestine started making palestine passport stamps.. pretty cool http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/meast/07/01/palestinian.passport.art/ ....... Joplin, MO. damn. thanks keepitrail. i know a few people in KCK/KCMO but that's about as close as i can get Calgary huh? where's TT Boy?
  10. Re: **Denim/Jeans.. it's the 'price points on high end denim' thread i believe will merge
  11. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    grd word, i was eeking at that thing that was posted. wowzers. anyway, how's the money situation? you had to get a boiler or some shit? get plane tickets. !@#$% dear dogs you're lazy and awesome and i lubb you !@#$%
  12. oontz oontz oontz homeward bound shortly.. oh yeah, gotta pick up a pack from the post office
  13. i don't think the tattoos she does scare me like this does :haha: ..... mac lethal heart awww that's sweet lull
  14. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear grd :eek: !@#$%
  15. and the laughs keep coming. damn fist. hahahaha fuck it
  16. post it up! not surprised to hear that her husband is not a savory fellow.
  17. word. let's move on from this bullshit. reposts, maybe. i don't care.
  18. sure, but this shit got started bc someone thinks handprint tattoos are trendy and fucking stupid. it wasn't about craft or crap. i was making the point that a shitload of stuff is used over and fucking over in tattoos, and just because a tattoo is typical doesn't make it horrible. that would mean that tall ships, hearts, stars, daggers, skulls, banners, portraits, flowers, women, animals, lettering, all the stuff we see over and over in tattoos, is all crap. that's where the arrogance comes from. 'this trend suck because i hate it. this trend ok because i like it.'
  19. nah fist, i'm in here having fun and a laugh. if someone wants to tattoo ugly shit on em that's fine.. and i'm not saying my opinion is the right one or the only one. for me this thread isn't really about trying to have some debate, in which one asserts the viewpoints they consider so superior about design elements in tattoos, the nuances of crafting one, what makes something aesthetically appealing or technically skilled, etc etc et cetera ad infinitum
  20. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear people on my ignore list yup. !@#$%
  21. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear people who are having a hard time sometimes you deserve it ha !@#$% dear birthday people i hope you have a great day! :bday: !@#$%
  22. wow that is surprising on another note, the arrogance is really funny. i knew sooner or later it would bleed into this thread. just no escaping it
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