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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. when me and the man go back to egypt, i think we're going to try to go to jordan and palestine.
  2. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    ugh. sorry about that mang. i passed along the message and i'm sorry to see it wasn't addressed. i'll reiterate
  3. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear earl you should write movie reviews! haha love the pic you got btw... !@#$%
  4. i thought paris just looked cool... so much graf, just a really serious vibe in that city some cities don't have a real feel.. i felt they had it in spades. i loved spain. barcelona is so awesome, must get back.. i could easily tour europe for a long time if i didn't have dogs. nurk, i agree based on what i've seen.. would also love to see croatia
  5. i wanna do paris metro. last one i really care about i think. i'd go back to the louvre for sure but i also loved musee d'orsay i'd definitely go back. fuckin a, their cemeteries are badass i would also like to see the rest of france though. shit, really all of europe is awesome. still haven't been to berlin, istanbul, oslo or venice yet..
  6. yeah, because being super original is the only important factor when deciding what kind of tattoo one might like to get :rolleyes: that's probably the mentality of that kid up there with a black arm.
  7. haha quaaludes. don't hold your breath. though someone else might be during that day long bj
  8. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    sey, i failed pre-calculus, which is just glorified algebra, so i know where you are coming from. i had to beat my head against a wall to get it physics really helped me with calculus bc as redeye says, substituting the numbers for more practical things while you're thinking about it in the abstract really can help a lot. this guy's calculus book also really helped me immensely, there is no way i can go off about all the things i could help with here, so i will recommend this inexpensive book since you are already taking tutoring help http://www.amazon.com/Bob-Millers-Algebra-Clueless/dp/0071473661/ref=pd_sim_b_1 it's only $11 or steal if from somewhere, and let me know if it helped. !@#$% dear facebook i used to think you were some bullshit timewaster and stauts update crap! i was on there but never sure if i liked it then, i stumbled onto the dogs since discovering the myriad ways i can help dogs; find homes for them dontae to causes, help sick ones, spread the word about em etc i feel much better about using you as a tool rather than a way to fuckoff guess you aren't total crap that said, it's taking time away from other shit i'd like to be doing, like learning to quilt, making clothes, crocheting and painting. oh well. !@#$%/never too old to help animals
  9. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear seyseysey haha i HATED algebra and did not do well in it at all. imagine my surprise when i eventually completed Calculus II. keep your head up and let me know if you're got ??s haha that fbook rant is funny. aren't people dumb? !@#$%
  10. justify your misspelled tattoo. i won't even talk about the font haha the laughs just keep comin in here
  11. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear bff damn you're awesome !@#$%
  12. i'd like a wide angle trying to decide which to get. definitely, need tickets and time for: Buenos Aires, Tokyo, Egypt, China, Istanbul and Trans-Siberian Railway, for starters.' and tons of money so i can start a dog rescue.
  13. :haha: i'm shocked. SHOCKED
  14. um, i don't like the tattoo much but i like the concept i've thought of getting my pup's pawprint on me
  15. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear bill anus you're banned for only 5 days when you come back don't make it permanent !@#$% redeye yup, sowwwy. tryin !@#$%
  16. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear grd word, but i think that's one of those situations where you're not really missing out. !@#$%
  17. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear dears word, it was a sweet 48 hours. immigration there is stupid slow though, so bring your patience. i hemmed and hawed a ton over whether it was overly self-indulgent to take a 48 hour trip to the islands, but after the fare (round trip) dropped to $300 i couldn't resist. so after hotel, and airfare, plus every dime i spent while there, it cost me $648 .. not too bad i guess. i got a dark tan and i used sunscreen! very intense sun. people think i am fuckin nuts for going places for 2 or 3 days, like when i went to london or prague. i tell em the alternative, is to not go at all. fuggit. !@#$% dear abcs good luck. i got denied entry to canada once bc my FBI record is incorrect, and impossible to change. i carry the paperwork (that says i'm not a fugitive) with me and have had to show it several times. it sucks !@#$%
  18. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear dears i'm back the bahamas were nice !@#$%
  19. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    damn Noes that is a bummer! also thanks for agreeing with me. i'm about 3 awesome dead dogs away from throwing a molotov cocktail through their administrative offices !@#$%
  20. i did some quick research and many people and vets agree that dog carsickness is most often an anxiety problem and therefore really difficult to treat there seemed to be a couple common things that rose above most other suggestions: put the dog in his bed from home when in the car set up a training system where the dog is rewarded for his trips; taking him somewhere he will want to go: the pet store, the park, and give treats when you get there, best if you can start with very short trips, like 5 mins i also saw this thing suggested: http://www.mizter.com/car-sick-dog.htm and some people had (spoken with their vet first) had success with a small amount of dramamine long american kennel club article on it: http://www.akc.org/press_center/akc_syndicate/ask_AKC/0106.cfm
  21. not hating not looking. haha boxcar that dog looks great. scrappy.
  22. not looking at the tattoo not looking at the tattoo not looking at the tattoo cool dog
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