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Everything posted by slowDown

  1. yep, clams have us all beat. deal.
  2. Damn man, is that Jay Cutler? That guy....well actually the entire Bears organization has made me hate football lately. It's not even fun to watch anymore.
  3. The thing that I really enjoy or enjoyed most about this forum was the sense of community. you didn't have to "follow" people or friend them to hear what they had to say. I think social media took away the vibe that we were generally all gravitating to in the first place, that being a place to come where we all had a common ground, which in this case was graffiti. Nowadays all you have to do is like, or friend one person and you get a ton of recommendations of what some algorithm thinks you might like. 12oz always seemed, and hopefully will continue to be, a destination for people of like mindedness.
  4. Oh man that Gene Wilder meme is wrong. Dude was a good guy....
  5. DAO and all his beef's. There was some funny moments to be had in there.
  6. slowDown


    Thanks for the feedback. Feeling pretty tempted right now. Have finals next week and all I want to do is fuck around and get wasted. I make these excuses in my head that I can take a night off of studying, and that the drinking will release some stress and make future study sessions more productive... Crazy how those thoughts come to be, because I know they are total bullshit.
  7. slowDown


    I used to like the feeling of being slightly out of control. Lately I find that I get bored about six or seven beers in, then I just want to eat some greasy food and go to bed. Even with this, I still feel the desire to drink everyday, but most days I just don't act on it. I think that is largely due to the fact that I just have so much going on that I can't afford to feel like shit the next day. Do you folks find that you still have this daily desire to drink, and does it ever go away?
  8. Like Fist said, the chances of you getting Lyme's Disease are pretty low. One possible indicator is the bullseye rash that appears after the bite. It is usually a large red ring around the bite with at least one line trailing off, following a blood vessel. If you don't have this, I wouldn't even be worried about it. I also have to agree that just yanking them off is a bad idea. That increases the chance of you just pulling the body of, leaving the head still attached, and furthering your chance of infection. Up here we usually twist them off in a counter-clockwise motion. If you check yourself as soon as possible, you can usually catch them before they latch on.
  9. Been enjoying these cats lately while I study: I think they are from France. Dope nonetheless.
  10. I just finished taking Anatomy and Physiology and did an independent study course prosecting cadavers. Taking Microbiology in the fall. I'm really looking to move from be 6'4", 280lbs to around 250. Ideally with more muscle than fat. Thanks for all the advice. I am going to read that link that gas face ( I think ) posted.
  11. I've been lurking this thread for a bit now and just recently started working out again after 15+ years. I was taking a power circuit course that included some light cross fit type routines mixed with dead lifts, squats and power cleans. I am also taking some pre-med courses and have been learning about the physiological mechanisms of nutrient uptake and excretion. My question for you fellas is do you do your own research on what supplements to take pre/post workout, or do you just trust the label that what they are giving you is in the right combination to what you need? I hear all types of conflicting talk about what is right and what is wrong, and when to take this or that. Also have any of you heard of Onnit? I only know of it from listening to Joe Rogan's Podcasts. Your thoughts are appreciated....
  12. Also his hair looks like shit for being a barber.
  13. Well after watching that video above I would completely agree. He should keep smoking 3 packs a day. That should give us around 20 - 30 more years of funny facial tats where he can fit them in. Also no surprise he hangs in Venice Beach, how fitting.
  14. Damn theres some fresh pieces in here. Is that Bims a few up? With the colored smoke coming off the letters. Couldn't really find the letters....
  15. i don't understand why a person would want to do that to their face.
  16. There be bulges in them panties mang! And the legs are suffering from a serious shave session! T
  17. Re: random thoughts 33. ______ The posterior pituitary gland secretes a. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) b. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) c. Adrenocorticotropin Releasing Hormone (ACTH) d. ADH (Vasopressin) e. The posterior pituitary secretes all of these. Whatcha got?
  18. That looks good. Visiting Phoenix and having a hard time finding a good beer. Going with this for now:
  19. slowDown


    Why post the face shot?
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