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  1. that sovtek at 0:06 in that video is the exact same one i just bought, except he took the tolex off, looks nice with just the wood, may have to do that. great sound
  2. A theater - some buddies have access to a theater at their school. I'll take pictures at tonight's showing.
  3. Inspired by NOES and the well received showing of the omen this past weekend I've decided to go a little more public with it and picked out some dates for the rest of the month to have screenings for friends and friends of friends. Here's a little invite/schedule i made to hand out: Tomorrow's movie: VIDEODROME link: hxxp://stagevu.com/video/bnzykwvtbxql
  4. MZ, I see you finally made the move from beta to vhs. Good looking out.
  5. Just finished Shivers. Anybody else even consider the 12oz list? Shivers was alright, kinda slow and not much action, plus week characters and acting, but a lot of nudity and sex so thats a bonus. Tomorrow's Movie: Rec (as recommended by fellow oontzers) trailer: link:hxxp://stagevu.com/video/gvyosqrqkxfg
  6. double facepalm for not appreciating the holy mountain
  7. I'm still staying true to the list, just watched From Beyond. It was quite entertaining. hxxp://stagevu.com/video/mwbsazrdlxka Yesterday night I was successful in getting The Omen onto a big screen/theater. Audience was pretty small, probably 10-12 people alltogether. I took a couple of pictures. I'll post em later. Tomorrow's movie: hxxp://stagevu.com/video/tffsxpefdfci
  8. That's what i ride, well 54s, but yeah spitfires.
  9. i barely did it, and i'm not even THAT drunk
  10. Haha, I don't think anyone but me is participating. That sounds awesome. I'm trying to get a few of these, mostly the ones on friday and saturday nights, into an auditorium at a college that i have buddies at - for the local friends to enjoy together. We'll see. But yeah, every friday seems a bit more feasible. what's on your list?
  11. Just finished Puppet Master. Meh I did laugh when the one puppet with the big hands and small head kept hitting that woman in the face and she just kept throwing him off of her. Shit happened like 3 times.
  12. does popeye's reverse racism negate cracker barrel's racism? you don't have to answer that... i know it was a stupid question.
  13. agreed. there's a banging mediterranean place up the street from me that has fresh raspberry iced tea and lemonade made daily. i'm always making (raspberry) arnold palmers. now i'll have to make some and spike it.
  14. true, waiting for a call, gotta go run errands tpbm can tell the difference between arial and helvetica
  15. dang, at first i was kinda bored watching the ledge wizardry then he did that nosegrind to back noseblunt and my eyes got real wide
  16. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** looking forward to the list, gonna actually try this one instead of just lurking the thread
  17. person

    Getting even

    if his door to his building opens inward you can lean a trashcan full of water against it. it'll flood the building when opened. put a fucked up ad on craigslist with his number saying he's seeking some hot bbw's or an anal orgy or something
  18. person


    Dude's probably holding out for "the one" whether he realizes it or not. Instead of throwing floozies at him left and right, let him do his own thing or look for women with similar personalities/interests to introduce him to. hopefully he'll think he's in love long enough to get it over with before he realizes that all women are insane and he'll join your team and start looking for sluts.
  19. i'll try it. i drink enough of the arizona's to at least give it a shot. maybe not in public though. we'll see how the trial goes first before i take it public.
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