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  1. true, and they're damn good tpbm has seen every muppet movie
  2. http://vimeo.com/819138
  3. they're touring with kylesa and high on fire right now, gonna go see them at the end of the month. should be a good show
  4. see if this works - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?vd0krsu5dgg8akf i bought it, it's fucking good.
  5. hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?c5hno2jtzwz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt4owmFkZT8
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dV1hv6L0R74
  7. hxxp://stagevu.com/video/npwymmfrhfsv
  8. true, my next door neighbor is an asshole tpbm enjoys ice cream and will tell us their favorite flavor
  9. Me too man, though I kinda half-assed my way through Alien last night and I'll probably do the same thing tonight cause I've got so much work to do. It'll be on in the background. If anyone is trying to keep up with my self-declared oontz list, here's what coming up: Tonight's Movie: THE THING (the Carpenter remake) link: hxxp://stagevu.com/video/vjhbkexiqgmk
  10. this thread got me to re-watch better off dead. thank you
  11. just drank one, for the first time aside from getting me kinda faded, it made my face and neck bright red. the fuck? looks like i'm blushing nervously at all times. not feeling it.
  12. man, if only. do you think it was the roller blader that smelled of atrocious shit? Or was it just that one end of the park? Too bad I didn't get the "shred it" truck in the shot. had fun today witty, we'll have to do it again soon. also, http://www.beautyandthebeast3.com/
  13. spastic/noise/punk/garage/art/japanese/out-of-tune rock and roll GASENETA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVtcHRT_nkA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmNMzRpxroA
  14. skated (well, sort of) this today
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