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  1. Yeah pretty much, it was hard to get it started, but once I was in it got easier. Part two after trip two. Gotta go back for Italian sausage, and more shit battered and fried.
  2. FAIR FOOD Pt. 1 Fried Pickles Fried Snickers Snickerdoodle Apple
  3. true, tell them the truth and cut off all contact. tpbm secretly watches the show "Chuck"
  4. search google with the name of the video you're looking for and "stagevu", usually turns up good high quality videos.
  5. dear pffffffffffft where's my shirts? how much do i owe you for them? when we gonna hang? love, your buddy
  6. morning head, like being woken up by getting head, is a dream that has yet to be fullfilled.
  7. kaws frieghts are amazing catches. too bad about the unfortunate transfer into the artworld that makes all the forum heads talk shit. i'm one of them, so i can't say a thing.
  8. true, saturday night is bar night tpbm has a nagging girlfriend/boyfriend
  9. true? is that where you fuck a girls armpit? tpbm enjoys arnold palmers.
  10. had this shit tonight on draft, really enjoyed it. Good for a beer that doesn't need any attention and is good to suck down while in converstation.
  11. got home from bar hoppin... fucked up... still drinking home booze gonna post some stuff that i may regret in the morning.
  12. That FOWL - DAYUM! and PYLE - of course. kills it with every posted image. All those asheville night shots were worth a good lookin'. bump
  13. Sending snail mail to friends. Looking up junk to buy on Craigslist. Getting ready to go eat with the lady.
  14. tonight's movie THE HAUNTING hxxp://stagevu.com/video/qupglpzronxw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq74oz6mf3w
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEmJ-VWPDM4
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