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$2 dollar well drinks

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Everything posted by $2 dollar well drinks

  1. no thats what i just said...hes saying he wants a career with out going to school
  2. man this is hella toy, sorry for trying to save you guys time.
  3. coke makes me violent and delusional. crack makes me fall asleep. like just makes me pass out, especially with peanut butter
  4. i take a 30 mg xr at about 630 am, and another one at 1 or 2 pm. no sexual side effects, it doenst stop me from eating. but i get the gnarliest grades ever, and i type liek 100 wpm, hence alot of my posts being on the long and winderd side. someitmes if i let it, it fucks with me sleep, but if i can put what im doing down im gravy. its better than coke, cause coke fucks your life up and makes you feel bad, adderal is like a coke high with no comedwon times 10, where you get shit done instead of thinkign how tight you look in your sunglasses. word is bond
  5. that was alot better. you should of said that first time. it makes alot more sense.
  6. are you kidding me?????? you mean most people who have graffiti as a side hobby, and look at it on the internet, are normal people, i dont think ive ever met a normal graffiti writer. still, graffiti is a mental sickness, and were all sick, so maybe its different from where your from. at the minimum go to a community college take a course in microsoft office, thats a really good job skill. you should go to community college for a 2 year degree and transfer, its alot easier than high school, 4 year university are more of the same, with wierder shit thrown in, ive been to both started 4 year, couldnt stand the ignorant fucks there, transfered. You have to think about the future today, because youll be livign there tommorow.- George Burns So if you spend 2-4 years of your life now in school. in 5 years your life will be so much better, where as with out the schooling your going to be making shit pay for the rest of your life. or you can rob and deal drugs, but even thats a stupid way to make money, because most of those cats, still make the same as slighlty above minium wage, and risking there futures. plus you cant rent a place if you dont have a legal job.
  7. graffiti is a direct expression of the individual, the way your style is, is an expression of you, people that bite in graffiti, are generally people that bite in life, people with angry tags are angry people childish tags childish sloppy are sloppy theres alot more you can read into this, but knowing who does the graffiti, you'll understand alot more. its the same as signatures. you can just tell alot about the individual by how they write, even if there biting, unless you dont know that there biting.
  8. misunderstood I'm sorry i missed your point, hear me out one more time. I admit i was being a little over the top. The only reason i went off, is the mental image i got of some hella stoned graffiti writer type, just watching that shit on his tv, pausing from the bong for a moment and saying "African People are Smiley". But i guess im just another writer type, whos gigged up on adderalls, waiting for his buddys to stop fucking around, an hour after they were all supposed to meet up, reading way to much into a comment. insulting me is just another easy way for you to end this. ill make it easier, and delete my comments in this thread, i just dont understand where your coming from. im niether whiny nor dramatic, i guess i just take things to literally and type stream of concious on whatever sets me off. ranting isnt tight, and i wasnt really thinking about it last night, and unintentionally ranted, which i understand turns people off to whatever you have to say. in the future ill be more concise, and less aggresive towards other peoples world views. and in nothing i said, even the exception of what drugs are you on comment, did i ever stoop as low to say anything as insulting as what you just said. i was just trying to find out what you were thinking, and if i missed the point. you should at least try to explain yourself better rather than giving up and insulting me. im an extremely honest person, and say whatever i think, which isnt always a good thing, everything i said was true, based on what id read and seen so far in this thread. dont insult me again, im not trying to be an asshole, we both misunderstood each other. obviously, theres alot of things that when said in text, dont come across the same, especially if you dont know anything about the person typing them. I know nothing about you and you know nothing about me. So its easy for me to imagine you as what i imagined, and you to imagine me like you did. I exposed a weakness and you attacked it cause its all you had to go on. seeing people happy is tight, especially people happy with life, i agree with you. All the africans ive met have been extremely funny, and ive met some pretty african girls. if thats the point of your thread, maybe i still dont get it? peace
  9. Americas different, get over it, for the most part no one thinks about, there really arent that many transit systems, most citys have buses, i have never seen any sort of transit runnign with a panel in person in my life. not all americans are stupid, most in the citys are fairly decent, its when you start to get to what we call middle america, which is brain washed white people isolated in a world that is completely controlled by religion and republicans, also americas hella big, like if each state, or 2 or 3, were a seperate, im sure they would make better choice, in europe the countrys are smaller, and its not as big of a mix up, i think most people realize europe has different countrys with different styles, but america is one country with different styles for every city, philly, la, seattle, san francisco, etc so to say america style is just as ignorant. fuck the bullshit. europe is still copying something disticntly american, the only place in the world that i know of, that have freestanding graffiti cultures, is philadelphia, los angeles, and sao paulo brazil. new york is og gangster gangster made that shit what it is but it came there from philly as i understand it. So the philly gangster hands, los angeles cholo, and that crazy death metal shit in brazil. those are all scenes that came about seperate from peopel seeing pictures of ny graffiti in the 80s. how many european citys had a graffiti culture like modern graff before subway art....or beat street......or wild style........
  10. imagine if one of these cats met JA, guys a savage bomber, doesnt mean i want to kick it with the guy. ive met most of all who i ever wanted to meet. some of them were tight, some of them not so tight.
  11. your not daim, you can barely draw those letters let alone draw them 3d, thats a gimmick, that 3d is a gimmick, graffiti isnt gimmicks its letters, like drawing them 3d like that is a waste of your time. draw real graffiti
  12. what is wrong with the world you cant even be bothered to wirte out the whole word bothered. whats wrong with you people, every one is living life cliff note mode
  13. your an ignorant who can be bothered to do anything....
  14. battle field earth, is there passion of the christ, theres hella people that believe in aliens, but like differently, like outkast and ill bill, not scientology, man just wait till the eloheim come bacl.
  15. dog im just waiting to post up on my heavily gaurded caribean island with hella yayo, who needs freinds when you got the white girl, right?
  16. graffiti, i cant beileve im the first one to say that
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