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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. thought I remembered correctly. Carry on. In other news I have a 4 day course as a pre-job screening training/interview type of thing I have to wake up at 7-30 (about 7 hours from now) for. I have been getting up at 1pm each day as it has been too cold to get out of bed earlier. Wish me luck.
  2. Noted. I was just proving that "global warming" is a true phenomenon that obviously extends far beyond the shores here in Oz, no matter the conjecture between so called "scientists" disputing otherwise.
  3. Well it has been many years so I don't recall specifics as I avoided getting too involved with the disputes, which is lucky due to my perception of the world being distorted from the paradigm with which I was once familiar.
  4. Even though I am the same in having left the rat race behind I have been lucky enough to have no debts and good budgeting skills that facilitate me affording to exist on welfare, albeit I do still wish to work if only for the social aspect of it as opposed to the monetary side of things. I have done a few jobs in the past few years but in accepting lower than half of what I should be paid for based on my experience, qualifications and such leads me to realise that having to spend 2 hours a week searching for work to meet my welfare requirements with the rest free for me to spend as I choose to be an easy way to live as opposed to getting up early every day to commute to work to have someone pretend they are my boss to whom I owe the world in their little egocentric powertrip. Unlike Schnitzel though, I have no dependents, and coupled with no debt or financial obligations other than my phone bill, rent and groceries, I manage quite well yet would have zero capacity to do so if I had a kid, which would see me working whatever shit scrubbing janitor position I needed to perform in order to give my kid the greatest existence possible as my happiness would be directly derived from seeing them experience the greatest life possible as opposed to worrying about whatever it was that personally bothered me. Another additional benefit is I moved back in with my Mother and got to spend time with her as an adult, which even though she refused to really conversate with me, at least I was able to afford her the opportunity to really learn who her Son had become as a Man which is something that would have plagued my conscious given I ignored my relationship to her as I forged my career, travelled, got married and fulfilled my other selfish desires for a decade as I refused to be in proximity to a woman who poisoned me with cancerous cigarette smoke for the first 20 years of my life. Also is One Man Banned = LENS from back in the day? An additonal benefit of walking away from the rat race is it allowed me to escape the trap of materialist consumerism I had exhausted my desire to obtain finance to procure. Even though I still have a wardrobe full of designer clothes and shoes, going forward I will be content with my $8 Kmart tshirts as being my way of saying to the world how pathetic these Gucci wearing rappers you see online truly are given they have yet to mentally evolve past the point I was at a decade ago, which is doubly funny when you see them "flexing their (slave) chains" as though they are successful at anything other than being duped by the system and society.
  5. As someone whose Father literally had me "sectioned" to the psych ward only for me to get poisoned and horrendously ill from the medication they dosed me with prior to a female Indian Doctor sticking her tentacle finger up my ass to "diagnose" me to assess appropriate treatment, I fully endorse the validity & truth of your post.
  6. Welcome back DAO. This place wouldn't be what it is without you. And the proof of that is that every post in this thread preceding yours made me audibly laugh and chuckle as I recall the good times I had on this forum, which are timeless considering not only the post dates here, but the fact that I believe you were right all along, the only error being that the dogwhales never went extinct, they were just frozen under ice similar to The Thing prior to the Skid Row inhabitants causing global warming by smoking ice thawing them out to share the place with us once more.
  7. Mauler5150


    Sounds like you are a decent parent giving you are investing in your kid's driving as it is a skill that will benefit them the rest of their lives, in spite of the fear it seems to have invoked with you wanting to crush again. And thanks to this reminder my licence renewal is due in about a month's time so I had better tell my folks to keep an eye out in the mail as I currently have no fixed address.
  8. So anyone care to explain these "heiroglyphs" left by the fecal matter consuming aliens whom have invaded this planet? I mean, I appreciate graff as much as the next guy, but these tags are in no way man made, natural, nor serve any purpose beyond proving these shit eating reptilians are here with deceptive intents. And I am qualified to speak on this given that I encountered "Maria Camila" their Queen along my journey of life.
  9. I should add that even though I can continue to embarass the rapists I encounter along the "Child Predator" aka CP line of the Perth railway network, the best course of action for me going forward is to not give them the satisfaction of me acknowledging their presence to begin with as to me they are (and always will be) non-entities that exist as the punchline for me to derive laughter and humor at their expense.
  10. This series has been making me laugh and gives you an insight into the weird paranormal shit occuring in Oz, which I have and can see thru the veil of, yet these videos show I am not alone in being aware of.
  11. Thankyou for reading and enjoying my madness. I appreciate it as my above comment hopefully conveys. And my apologies for not contributing here as often as I should have done as I learned to own my own madness such that I could become beyond the judgement of a public whom may yet to have or be ready to do the same. Yet given the reaction here, it seems that the people here on the oontz are the good people I always believed them to be. Wonk saggin.
  12. Funnily enough, in the past 6 years I have written around 8000 pages worth of material in various files in my Notes and Pages apps about my life story and the psychological journey that I have made along the various highs and lows of the emotional spectrum. While most of it is more an introspective look into myself and my mind, the chaos is all founded in a basis of desiring simplicity in respect of the existence I (and by extension "We") lead. As a part of this, I also started to compile my comments made on Youtube to various videos based on either the titles or subject matter referenced within the content as the censorship of some of my ideas was getting to the point of ridiculousness, perhaps the most overt of this was calling out the benzo addict famous intellectual Jordan Peterson for his desire to use his educational training to cast judgement upon his fellow man via the use of labels, whilst at the same time having started his path to fame using the tale of Genesis from the Bible, although there has been no mention of him publically addressing how his own life has mirrored that of God in that his daughter Mikaela left ger husband and child and ran off to Romania to be with a serpent adorned (pathetic) pimp named Cobra Tate who parasitically built a fortune off of exploiting girls and psycophantic lost children of the internet as his only actual ability beyond his power to manipulate was getting punched and kicked fir a living as he "got into the ring with another man", which whilst it looked cool in 1980s movies like Kickboxer is perhaps the gayest subliminal act a man can portray to the world. And I can speak with authority on such a subject, as not only is the above irrefutably "true", but it is a reflection on humanity as a whole when these are the emminent "thought leaders" who shape society as they profit from social media clicks, whereas I am just a guy with no financial incentive but rather am just "turning the tables on the money changers" by shattering the value of monetary and social media currencies as per the script in the Book that has my name on it in "Matthew". As after all, not only am I familiar with all aspects of money (Hell the word Money begins with my initials of MO and I spent a decade working in Banking and Finance), and I eschew fame as being worthless in the age of social media and infinite cameras. And in this I find comedy, laughter, and ultimately love, as in iterating "truth" in a mutually understood and undeniable way, I can shatter the cognitive of the characters whom use their influence as a means through which they can attempt to emancipate themselves from the common man such that they need to hold themselves accountable for their own lives before they are ever going to be qualified to decieve me with the belief that money, view counts, and subscriber numbers have any meaning beyond being used as the means through which one can use these things as points that falsely define the value these people add to the world. And in mentioning the props system of old, I bring it back to the point in saying I respect and value the above comments as being more valuable to me than money, given they were made after you spent the time reading the words I write trying to bring laughter to other's as the primary way I can convey "love" to people given I am unable to do so through physically having sex with Men as I do not find them sexually attractive in the aesthetic sense. /noHoMO seems applicable here.
  13. This is my sentiment in regards to these "disorders" that Doctors have created as labels in order to obtain their PhD. And I say this as a diagnosed psychotic ADHD "sufferer", when the truth is I am just familiar with those who reside in Dis, aka The city of Hell. We are all on a spectrum, as we are all ultimately a compilation of waves that exist on various spectrums of perception, perhaps the dominant two being light and sound, with the third obviously being our retard levels. With those who adopt the term "Autism" these days being the most attention seeking of the lot of us Golden Titanium Sadomasochists given they need to label themselves as such. It's easier to just call yourself a retard, as we are all retarded by finances to some degree or another, so therefore we are free to use the term in spite of social media's push to outlaw the use of a term due to it's ability to cause offence, yet if it is an accurate self reference as I have proven here, do I not get the equivalent of an "N word pass" as a result? Or is broaching such "truth" likely to bring a certain character archetype's duplicitous hypocrisy to light? Wonk Saggin. With this said, I initially came in the comment about it being "Ass burgers", but whilst I quit eating red meat these days, and others have already said it, please carry on with this thread as it were...
  14. For some reason the ticktacs prop system comes to my mind after I just liked a few of the recent responses in this thread. I figure I have such recollections of the past so that I can recall the comedy that occurred during the days of disputing "dog whales" and things. Strangely if you read my prior diatribes, if we live in a simulated society buried under the sea of waves then I fully have garnered enough awareness to know that the Hell hounds which pervade society as the dog being the inverse of God, it makes sense that such characters are those whom embody the worthless pimps in this world as they become rich "whales" whom engage in human trafficking like a certain internet popular Romanian dwelling vampire whose name need not be mentioned lest my algorithm get completely bombarded with more "Cobra" venom.
  15. TLDR version - I still seek to retain and emit "Hope" in a world that does it's best to portray itself as being completely exhausted of it. My primary "Hope" being that I am not the sole individual I encounter who is able to lay their cards on the table, my two being contained on my iphone 7 and my iphone 14 displaying both Heaven and Hell with my iphone 11 being the card I let go of as I already had the perfect BlackJack hand of "21" in that I gave the 21 year old female "Me", the Maria to Me as Matthew, so to speak, the gift of learning from a Man who would give it all away in the name of love and saving Her (and potentially others) from encountering death only to realise they lived a life of selfishness to where they never experience the freedom that came to me in manifesting, realising and giving away the love I wish to be given in the ultimate form I could define it as being contained within as per the restraints imposed via the laws of physics and those within the physical, and material domains. As until someone else is willing to give away everything in the name of love, from their friends, family, job, qualifications, job title, house, car, instruments, country, hemisphere, continent, and ultimately - their entire bank account - to a singular one person they entrust to reciprocate the love, faith and ability to give back that which they have been given in the form of "God's Gift of Love", then I will always be able to assert that other men will remain ensconsed within the light and shadows of my love going forward to where I can answer to any of them "Can I laugh in your face" just like Steven Seagal as my way of deriving value and laughter from life at the expense of exposing other's fears and inability to have obeyed the Golden Rule of "Loving as you wish to be loved" in it's ultimate form. Whilst this text may be read as an egocentric diatribe of a madman, consider it the actual opposite as you need to realise the only thing I "Hate" is having nobody who is able to relate to the freedom that comes from having no concerns of feeling I "coulda, shoulda, or woulda" done a single thing different in my life to that which I have chosen to do in this lifetime as my life is perfect, I live in the clouds with my woman experiencing my perfect love as she remains "Forever 21" and the science which is audibly contained in my name in "Math" proves it.
  16. My profile pic is the "Crossbuster" logo of the band Bad Religion. My intent for using this is in line with that which is described by the band's singer Dr. Greg Graffin in this video clip but with a few added addendums that are personal to me which I will describe below. If you have read any of my recent posts, you would understand that I have used what most would describe as a "mid life crisis" to investigate and study the belief systems, be it philosophy or religion, which have profound effects on the nature of how humans act and exist in the society we share. I have done this after dropping out of "the rat race" of corporate society in the hope of finding some way of helping reconcile the differences which separate the various religious and cultural belief systems which the mainstream religious leaders use as a means to both financially profit and intellectually divide us as they espouse that their specific system and the associated lexicon and terminologies they use to define what is fundamentally the same thing - the belief in a higher power that spawned the "reality" we exist within - as their means through which war and suppression of people in various negative ways can be justified. As Greg has stated they originally created the logo as a way of protesting "prosperity preaching" which I agree with, but I also personally see it as being the singular icon which is attributable to the collective failings of mankind to manifest a world i which "Equality of opportunity and access to education and the freedom to travel the globe to explore and experience the environment of Earth without financial impediments restricting such activities to the 10% of society whom have the financial freedoms to do so" in the two millenium that have passed since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Consider it a more appropriate display of what those who wear, hang or display a crucifix on their body or clothes intends to indicate to the "audience" of people who are not them, as rather than celebrate the murder of God in human form, the slash represents my adversity to the acts of those humans whom preceded us in the timeline as my means through which I promote evolution. Even though this seems to be an anti-Christian sentiment, given that Jesus is a character in all religions, either by directly naming the character as such or otherwise as effectively it is all God. And think about it, if you were Jesus and were to be alive and resurrected in today's society, you think that the standard crucifix or the crossed out logo would be His preferred way of having his message of unity and promotion of love distributed throughout society? The crucifix he was tortured and hung upon by those who feared the love of God he represented, or the crossbuster which is the icon of being "anti" such an act? I can go on but this is the condensed version of someone who sought to reconnect with the inner rebel, atheist, adamant non-believer I was as a teenager when I was looking back for unfulfilled life desires I had almost forgotten about as a means through which I could find inspiration for the present and future after I had reached the peak of ultimate material reality as I had dreamed about as a young child from the age of 5 and after remembering and detailing this reality as a 30 year old man writing down a dream in my corporate staff profile which was disseminated to my colleagues in 2011 prior to me realising it in three distinct instances and circumstances in 2016 as a 35 year old. A Man who at 35 almost reverted to suicide as a way of feeling incapable of conveying my gratitude for having been blessed with the ability to have realised said experiences after the initial instance of these 3 seperate occassions occurring in non other than "Sin City" itself - Las Vegas, which was strangely enough the first place I had ever visited a church for a purpose that wasn't involved with someone I knew or was related to having recently died prior. Whilst said visitation to churchvwas still the result of being influenced by "My Mermaid" (she knows what this means), it was the following months that lead to me finding the curtain of reality peeled back fo where I not only needed to make peace with myself and my foilbles and fetishes and other things individuals may feel scared of putting out into the world fearlessly as opposed to the social mask many of us adorn in society out of fear of being judged or at worst "persecuted" for (modern terminology would be "getting cancelled") if the acts we indulge in within the privacy of one's bedroom were to become public knowledge and then you get discriminated against for making your male peers feel emasculated as happened to me after a sex tape of mine was leaked after I had already committed to leaving corporate life behind for an artistic one due to realising money is never going to make me as happy as I am from inducing waves of orgasmic pleasurable bliss within the woman I view and love as my female self. While I can still elaborate further, I can essentially sum up this period through the use of 3 seperate still photographic images of Hell, Heaven, and the final one which represented the point beyond which it no longer mattered what I do for myself in my life, as if I was unable to help educate and share my experience in a way that could benefit everyone via showing them what is truly of value to me in life (as someone who has literally experienced everything money can buy and has experienced the ultimate natural and chemically assisted "Highs" and "Lows" along the emotional and physical spectrums) so that others can potentially avoid even taking a single step "Down the path to Hell" before they can ever find themselves on the brink of suicide due to becoming conscoously aware of how blessed we are to be gifted the present and future moments that is this thing we call "living life".
  17. Seen on my travels after visiting family in the hood for my birthday. Thought it appropriate to put in this thread
  18. Mauler5150


    Thankyou LUGR. I would still like to grab that shirt off you at some point, and given I have a 4 day trial for a job starting on the 9th of this month, I may potentially hit you up when I get paid.
  19. Mauler5150


    I can assure you that I am not on crack and my prescribed amphetamines I stopped back in 2018. Perhaps it is because I missed out on the quarter life crisis that the mid life one kicked in hard? Even if I am having a crisis, consider it related to a root cause of boredom of living here in Wakanda, I mean Western Australia, I mean West Oz.
  20. Mauler5150


    Well if there is anything I am not, that is a liar, and I only iterate that which is true and I find comedically hilarious. Anyway I woke up today as a 42 year old and nothing has changed at this juncture, but I didn't expect anything to happen until my divorce is digitally removed from the system due to digital records only being held for 7 years which occurs later this month as the only "Commandment" of my own I am in some way guilty of breaking due to the wife's insistence if binding me financially for said period of time.
  21. Mauler5150


    Sheeeit. To think I am staying near where the famous Mike Nolan once resided! In all honesty though, place is now overrun with zombies, and given I grew up in 6112 this is saying something. Also, I legit seen a kid walking around with a sword shoved down the back of his shirt following me around the other day, so I made sure to turn off "the green light" on my head by disconnecting from mobile data otherwise I would gave taken a photo. Complete fruit loop I tell ya.
  22. Mauler5150


    Nah, been watching these for ages, and it seems to be the only thing that engages me as an active listener who may learn something, or at the very least some new terminology, for describing the simulation we exist within. Also for those into comedy podcasts, I suggest watching Redbar whose show in 2017-2019 was the most entertaining thing on the internet. It will make you look at the "Comedians" in the JRE-verse look like the Javascript Runtime Environment avatars they actually are. His recent shows have too much rambling and bomb sound effects but they used to be comedic gold as this clip shows.
  23. Mauler5150


    Also if you want further examples of comedy, consider that the park near where I currently live and took the above photo of the mountainside is called "Nethercott", and in this video I shoot electricity from my fingertips like Raiden does in the "Netherrealm Studio" game series known as Mortal Kombat. What more evidence would one require for me to prove I am not just some crazy internet bot but might actually have something worth saying in respect of trying to avert humanity further descending into "Outworld"? IMG_1532.mov
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