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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. And for the record cigarette smokers are my favourite target as the announcer shouts "suck on that shit, buttsucker" whenever I shoot those polluting Mine and their kid's environment with their cancerous shit filled smoke.
  2. In case anyone wonders why white people give me the most points as a standard, it is because I am that embarrassed to share any heritage with these idiots who have effectively allowed all the problems in society to fester to the point it has turned into a dystopian, money controlled wasteland. So as my way of saying sorry to others for how these fools have created the 1|99 wealth disparity, I have those NPCs whom appear closest to me in appearance as the ones' I get most rewards for removing from the game. I suggest to others in the states to try out playing the game when they next go out in public. It is super entertaining. As for any Australians thinking of playing, understand that given I made up the game, I am the Creator and thus "God" of the game, and you can't kill God or you, the game and everything you ever claimed to "love" or have any attachment to will also cease to exist. As that is how I pull my hand of 21 and a Joker/wildcard hybrid which means you can't escape Death, as I walk amongst you. RPReplay_Final1687506068.mp4
  3. The ultimate multipliers come from direct hits to people speaking in foriegn dialects in public, and the 1000x bonus for each hit made to a needle using junkie multiplied by the factor of how many needles they have used to inject drugs over the past 10 years. This would be the equivalent to hitting the jackpot as the simulation Smash TV like announcer screams "He is taking out the trash as he cleans up the junk from society" for the audience watching at home cheering on Me to prevail as the Hero
  4. So I pretty much have drafted the laws to the Game of 911 if they wish to deal with Me as "Death incarnate" due to my pleads to prevent this going ignored. As other than my Mother and Brother (both whom are equally, if not more adept at defending themselves in this simulation as I am) and 12oz as my online refuge, have nothing I care about beyond humiliating those who tried to fuck my life up as they had a laugh about it. The tables have turned on the "MOney changers" as MO has changed from the locing benevolent altruist with hope for these idiots only for fhem to prove they are not deserving such giving from me that it makes me vunerable.
  5. HIVis wearers represent mercy killings as they have squandered theor wealth from mining and public works infrastructure projects on drugs and other bullshit in most instances they rarely have anything to show for the millions they earn raping and pillaging the Earth's resources for the ability to make money
  6. Turban wearing Sikhs are Boss characters as they carry swords in place of their impotent dicks so they can be reminded of how they only get erections via holding said swords to their unwitting wives' necks as the rapist pieces of shit they are. The Drug dealer starter kit wearing clowns get triple points, doubled for each missing tooth they have lost due to fighting or injecting meth and heroin.
  7. My scoring system for "911" is based on age (the lower the age the higher the score), skin colour (darker is more points, with whites the highest points), hair length (more points the longer the hair, and for those with weaves extra points), and neck and face tattoos offering maximum points.
  8. Well on today's edition of "911 simulator", where I summon drone strikes upon those who come for my head as being Luke Skywalker in flesh incarnate, I have every dog coming to try bite my head off. One such vampire monkey tried it on the train as his Mrs and kid sat beside me. I cocked the trigger, showed him as I looked into his face and blew his young toddler's brains to high heavens such that they can never grow old and become aware of the parasitic leech her eyelid-less parents actually are. Essentially I am doing the humane thing whilst telling such dogs to get the fuck away from me lest I indiscriminately blow their kids and their future dreams away for them attempting to impede mine. I feel victorious as I will do this again and again until they realise what they did to Me and Jesus 2000 years ago was fucked up so I delight in seeing the look of horror and embarrassment on their faces as the true depths of how badly they have fucked up dawns on them forevermore. Sincerely MattRIa
  9. Mauler5150


    In reconnecting with my long repressed "Inner child" that life and the rat race attempts to beat out of adults, in recognisance of having already "Won the (rat) race" years ago I remembered perhaps my most egotistical act of all time. As a 11 year old running the 100m sprint in our interschool athletics carnival, my nemesis Justin Phillips from another school who hated I beat him every year was talking shit in the lead up to the race which I talked shit back. So imagine when the last 15 metres of the race I realised I had already won, so I did a 180 degree turn and gave him the double middle finger as I crossed the line running backwards laughing like a maniac prior to him sumo charging into me when he crossed the line in 2nd place. Hilarious recalling it now. Feel free to detail hilarious stories of egomaniacal behaviours you have been guilty of. Or just laugh as you picture this tiny mulleted kid wearing Jordan VII Bordeaux's pulling such a stunt in 92.
  10. Consider my above actions my way of replacing the fools who died in the gene pool under the sea of internet waves we already exist within with the seed of someone who isn't as stupid to go so far down deep into the abyss without having mermAIds by my side. It brings a quote my best friend told me (as above) as below, "Why do they call it "cumming"? Because after you "cum", you come to your senses." A. Pate (aka The Evil Celebrity)
  11. NGL, after searching and seeing the above images, my inner teenager was sparked to life and as such I had to indulge in a "nostalgia wank". Ahh Serenity.... So to complete the Trans5Mationz, after dealing with the Peter side of the equation, a deep "pan" Dominos pizza sees me becoming Peter Pan , the ageless boy for today (and beyond)
  12. You know what I like best about this pizza? The price....
  13. Whilst I love that you found the source material from which I first learned of the various Greek myths like Icarus, Medusa and such, the posted image doesn't correlate with my memories of said game pictured on a "huge" 15" square CRT TV (1987 Christmas I got my NES including Kid Icarus, Zelda, Mario and some others - hard to recall beyond that as I ended up with 60 games over the NES console lifecycle thanks to My Mother spoiling Me - as she should as I was a straight "A" student - I'll prevent myself from making a "greek = anal" joke here) as the colouring looks wrong and way too saturated From memory, you couldn't kill those reapers, only freeze them in place. With this said, perfect opportunity for me to show "I ain't afraid of no Greek monsters" with these images of me walking down the steps of Athens' parliament building and posing on a mountain somewhere near the Pantheon.
  14. Also if you are a fucking rich bastard with too much money, pay some nerds to develop an augemented reality virtual reality ride of this submarine Titanic journey so you could make way more than a pathetic $1M one time only thing. On the plus side though, at least the guy behind this died a death that garnered him the fame and attention that even having billions of dollars had failed to do so while he was alive. And now he is immortalised as a Darwin award winner so when some future fool has this sane idea at least this guy will serve as the reminder that money can't buy sense. Anyway...,
  15. Plus the colour changing paint colour they used on the VS SS was the best Commodore colour ever used in my (somewhat admittedly biased) opinion. This is what mine initially looked like, just lowered with 15% green/black tint that matched the paint, with the previous owner having (shittily) painted the centrecap Holden lions in white with red so it looked unique (and admittedly, they should gave come from the factory this way) to the rest of them on the road. That was prior to awakening early one rainy Tuesday morning after a long weekend public holiday Monday,at my ex gfs place in South Perth only to find my rims gone and my car on bricks, which forced the upgrade to 17" VT Clubsport rims with wider tyres. Cost me all my savjngs at tye time as maintaining and fuelling the 5litre on the minimum wage slave job I had at the time was an effort as 25% of my $430/wk wages was going to pay off my debt I had stupidly financed at a 16.5% interest rate in another stupid impulse decision and want to get a nice car, as most 20 something males probably do.
  16. Whilst technically I have moved into the new millenium around the time of said car upgrade, the fact that the 5spd SS V8 I posted is a 96 model should count as a 90s memory
  17. Mine was an extremely low km, immaculately kept one in pristine condition my dad bought from my uncle, the only downside/flaw being the ragdoll cat fur on the back seats.It was only used for a 5 minute commute to work or to the shops and back and occassional drive to my aunts. It was ripe for me to go full "P plater" on it, driving around down the massive hills you have seen in the background of photos I have posted with 5 people and my 100 watt 12" subwoofer loaded bass guitar amp in the boot due to jamming with friends, that burned out the breaks, I accidently put unleaded fuel (I had no idea there was different "leaded" fuel types) n it the first refuel, and put some dings in it as you do when learning to drive as a stupid, careless teenager. Mine met an unfortunate end, as I was driving home from uni one day only to get rammed up the ass by a Landcruiser at a give way sign coming off Kwinana Freeway around the time they were putting in the groundwork for the Armadale road overpass. It got written off, I got an insurance payout, and then after being carless for a while, had a work panelvan as I worked for my Dad at the time, prior to stupidly buying one of these badboys and getting into $16K of debt (when I could have bought coastside land for $35K which is now worth $300K). Can't believe that the car tgat allowed me to say I was "Rollin, in my 5.0" for the better part of 8 years are now going for double what I paid for mine.
  18. My perspective on this thread is Wicked Girls > Vivid Girls. *wonk saggin*
  19. I went and found these advertising images of my first car recently, as it was an 86 Camira. So thanks to "Ra" the God of the Sun for letting me ride (Maria) Camila aka "Cami" the love of my life so I could be the real life "Guile" (JCVD) who got Cammy (Kylie - the Australian icon) as the main protagonist of the Street Fighter movie as my reality. I didn't mean or intend to turn her inside out so that she became iMac, but shit happens you know?
  20. Legit though, I am only adding to my own "Legend" by posting these and truthfully stating not only have I bought a Hawaiian girl a mermaid outfit, but the first girl I ever had model for me is legit a mermaid as these photos prove. And the sentence that I took from my meeting this siren was her convincing me that "Anything is possible" prior to her making me wake up in a castle in the Queen's bed in CZ a month or so afterwards. As I said before you can't call yourself a King unless you wake up in a castle in the Queen's bed, which thanks to Svet here, I can tick off the bucketlist of inpossibilities she helped me see as possibilities I loved and lived the experiencing of.
  21. Damn, and here I was thinking my photography mentor and instructor (much love to Mr Duvall * Mauler bows in gratitude*) invented that genre of mermaid photography. Knowing this place and the recent disdain for mention of this submarine, I will not complain if this thread takes a new direction, so here is my "Mother/Sister/Auntie/ET/Wicked Girl/Favorite Director' in an image taken by the aforementioned photographer's lens.
  22. Spotted this in the Wilde. *wonk saggin dna ehS*
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